Ta nová
Jsem Sofí Angelika je mi 16 a přestěhovala jsem s maminkou z Brna do Prahy. Jsem v Praze jenom s maminkou,protože se naši rozvádí
Jsem Sofí Angelika je mi 16 a přestěhovala jsem s maminkou z Brna do Prahy. Jsem v Praze jenom s maminkou,protože se naši rozvádí
Bylo Nám 15 - Občanský Průkaz Tehdy, když jsme se poznali, nám bylo 15. V podstatě jsme se znali, ale nebavili se a nezdravili. Každý jsme měl rozdílný život, rozdílný svět. Já byla obyčejná holka, která ráda psala příběhy, které jsem si myslela, že nikdy nezažiji, a malovala. Zatím co on, on byl básník. Do psaní dáva...
noah loves finn more than anything, but finn doesn't love him back. but maybe he does. most chapters are based off of børns songs [both are 14 in this]
A Foah fic🤷♀️ Uh this is first ever story, I'm not good at writing stories or anything actually but I try. I know that this would never happen so calm down it's just a story man I know that Noah is way to innocent for this. There might be a lot of spelling errors and I probably won't notice them so sorry 😔
(Finn) There is a new kid at my school.He looks cool. (Noah) I am the new Kid I see a eye catching tall skinny kid with curly hair . He looks cool.
When Finn and Noah hang out Little things happen. [completed] :) Highest rank #55 on Foah
In which Finn meets Noah online, and they text each other everyday. THEY ARE NOT FAMOUS IN THIS.
Finn: Sorry, the bitch gave me the wrong number. ~•~•~•~•~•~ This is AU where Stranger Things never happened. If you don't like Foah I suggest you fuck off. Started: 14th May 2017
Noah Schnapp is an actor who plays the role of Will Byers of Stranger Things. Everyone thinks he's so perfect, but little do they know, he has a secret. He likes boys. And not just any boy. His best friend, Finn Wolfhard. Will Finn accept it, or will Noah be left heartbroken? Highest Ranking: #1 in Foah