Carrow's Tarot
The Fool means what? Why do people cringe when the three of swords come up? Which deck is right for me? Anyone looking to pick up tarot has a hobby has countless questions and I hope to answer them all in my passion project.
The Fool means what? Why do people cringe when the three of swords come up? Which deck is right for me? Anyone looking to pick up tarot has a hobby has countless questions and I hope to answer them all in my passion project.
The power of the 22 main Tarot cards are vass and incredible. One day 22 people are blessed with these powers. Some will use it for good, others for evil, and others for themselves.
He aquí, damas, caballeros, terrícolas, extraterrestres y entes no identificados con ninguna dimensión de la existencia: la adivina con menos fortuna de este mundo y el otro. Me presento. Diré que mi nombre es Madame Ceyene, porque no es conveniente que nadie sepa mi identidad. A estas alturas, a nadie le importa. Sol...