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  • Fairy Tail Așa copii așa părinți Vol II
    5.6K 556 41

    Ea:Fiica lui Natsu El:Fiul lui Gray Restul citiți voi:)

  • Fairy Tail-O altă poveste
    7.8K 493 38

    Aceasta carte se bazeaza pe anime-ul Fairy Tail. Eu voi schimba povestea originala, incercand sa il pun pe Natsu intr-o alta ipostaza, nu foarte diferita. Sper sa va placa.

  • Aripile De Diamant: Îmblânzitoarea De Titani
    8.7K 991 35

    (Nu ma urâți pentru idee) Cum ar fi dacă lucrurile din Shingeki no Kyojin nu ar fi asa cum le știm noi? Dacă câteva reguli s-ar schimba totuși iar Eren nu ar fi cine este, și Levi ar fii doar un puștan? Dacă ar exista ceva mai diferit în lumea Titanilor decât sa te transformi într-unul? O putere ceva mai...altfel și o...

  • The Dragon Slayer - Fairy Tail f.f
    6.9K 414 14

    5 ani.5 ani de cand Lucy Heartfilia a murit. 5 ani de când Dragonul Celestal a murit. Gilda Fairy Tail niciodata nu v-a mai fi la fel fara blondina. Toti sunt suparati,tristi, fara pic de viata. Chiar si dupa 5 ani nimeni nu si-a revenit. Ei bine Natsu era distrus. Sa iti pierzi camaradul si cel mai bun prieten e...

  • *Liceul Fairy Tail*
    3.8K 103 10

    Povestea se învârte în jurul a patru băieți,care nu respectă regulile și le place sa facă numai ce vor ei.Până într-o zi cand întâlnesc patru fete care erau mai nebune decât ei. P.S. sunt multe greșeli de ortografie.

  • Stronger Than You Think
    2.4K 102 16

    De când s-au întors din Edolas, Lucy s-a simțit abandonată. Așadar, s-a hotărât să devină mai puternică decât este. Citește aici povestea lui Lucy.

  • Fairy Tail- I. [f.f.]
    11.2K 907 41

    Aceasta carte am creat-o pentru ca as vrea sa schimb putin povestea (cea actoala este foarte tare dar vreau sa vad daca pot si eu sa fac una) Unele lucruri o sa fie luate si din povestea originala si altele nu. Incepe cu Lucy care are o prietena Ely dar ea din pacate o sa se mute...povestea la inceput este putin plict...

  • Liceul Fairy Tail ~Finalizata~
    17.9K 847 29

    Eu sunt Lucy Heartfilia am 17 ani,sunt o persoana destul de curioasa putin timida,am un frate mai mare pe care il cheama Sting.Studiez in liceul Fairy Tail unde imi fac noi prieteni.

  • Boku No Hero Academia:Noua Generatie De Eroi
    878 33 7

    Odata cu infrangerea lui All For One si moartea lui All Might,tanarul Deku devine eroul nr 1 devenind un simbol al pacii.Acum o noua amenintare ameninta omenirea iar eroul suprem isi cauta un nou mostenitor,o persoana fara quirk care sa poata munci din greu pentru a deveni noul utilizator de One For All dar unde sa ma...

  • CreepyPasta - Nightmare Full Time
    2.4K 210 11

    Volumul 1 Elisa este o fată normală,care nu a avut cea mai frumoasă viată dar nu se poate plânge. Stilul ei de viată se va schimba când se va reântâlnii cu cel care i-a schimbat viata chiar din copilărie. Veți afla mai multe citind.

    Completed   Mature
  • Ao No Exorcist: Red Flames
    626 63 5

    Se spune ca iubirea schimba tot...chiar si relatia celor doi gemeni Okumura?

  • Kiss, marry or kill (Versiunea anime)
    9.5K 257 26

    Titlul spune tot

  • Judecata de anime-uri
    3.9K 207 3

    Aici voi scrie comentarii si descrieri ale animeurilor care m-au impresionat in mod placut sau nu.

  • The demon keeper
    9.4K 178 4

    Asta was special, he always knew it. They say he has no magic yet he could do curses. The curses weren't very strong he had found them in some old book while he was bored. He never expected to them to work. Especially not to get a grimoire filled with the brim of curses he never heard of.

  • The Sins of a Black Clover (The Seven Deadly Sins x Black Clover)
    37.8K 687 7

    Meliodas and the Seven Deadly Sins have defeated the Demon King twice, and the Holy War has finally ended. In need of a much needed vacation, the Sins bask in the peace Britannia welcomes with open arms. Little did they know Liones's King had a new omen, one with concerns towards the distant Clover Kingdom... The Clov...

  • 3 Years Changes A Lot
    29.8K 397 6

    A bit of OOC I apologized on my behalf Also this takes place after the fight with the demon, but doesn't continue onto the following Arc. So no it's not consistent with the current timeline. #Dealwithit

  • The Chosen One - Black Clover
    5.9K 166 6

    Asta being the dummy he is , Is very level headed in this story.. There are stones with different powers each. But instead if choosing one. Like a big brained person. They all chose him.. Binding their very existence together Asta gains magical attributes.. And aims for the title 'Wizard King'

  • A Lonesome King (Black Clover)
    5.9K 173 2

    Power is good. You can protect the ones you hold dear. Or cut down the ones who get in your way. But... Power can be lonely.. This is a world where one can not be saved.

  • One for all (MHA x black clover)
    1.5K 27 2

    What if asta had a power but it was not magic. It was one for all asta could become a hudered times stronger. He would use this power to become the wizard king.

  • asta the one with cursed power
    54.1K 995 11

    asta a boy who is assumed weak and powerless until he unlocks no less than four cursed grimoires the blood grimoire the seraph grimoire the ghoulish grimoire and the original anti magic grimoire will all those he cared for stay with him and help asta through his journey or will they lead him to insanity by ostracizin...

  • Son of the Black Bulls Captain (Black Clover Fanfic)
    123K 2.6K 23

    Asta knew people cared about him, but he couldn't help it. He watched others do magic, and hated the feeling of jealousy that swelled in his gut. He decided to end it all.

  • Asta of the six leaf clover (written by: Marvelmyst and Soumy42)
    412K 7.9K 51

    Asta has always been treated poorly in Hage only because he couldn't use magic. And it was even worse because the one he was found with at the church had enormous mana compared to him. He would always be compared to him and beaten up, but when he meets his gramps it will be sure to change. Editor/co-author: Marvelmyst...

  • Losing His Humanity
    66.9K 1.4K 9

    All his life, Asta has been laughed at for not having any magic powers. He had been told that his dream for becoming the Wizard King was unrealistic. He was always compared to his childhood friend, Yuno. He was always better, stronger, and most likely to become the Wizard King than Asta was. When they turned 15, Asta...