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  • Quotes of Famous
    7.3K 439 48

    Book publishing with @cucoriedkaa [go check her profile, find there another quotes!]You'll find here just qotes from famous people. It actually means, quotes with an authore. :) Have lovely day and left me some starts or whatever.. :* Love Yu! ♥ xx

  • Marks on the skin
    601 67 4

    ••• ••• ....už to nebudem ja, starý Calum, bude zo mňa chýbať časť ktorá tvorila môj charakter. Už to proste nebudem ja... či s darmi prejavenými alebo nie, ak mi ich zoberú, už to nebude ono.... ••• •••

  • Hidden behind the mask
    21.7K 2.5K 20

    "Okúsia jed ľudských slov, až sa im zaryje hlboko do žíl a už nebude cesty späť. Už nezmeníte to, čo ste povedali, to, čo vám karma vrátila. Život je rovnováha, čiže všetko, čo niekedy opustí vaše ústa, sa vám vráti. Na to tiež väčšina ľudí nemyslí..." Story by Majka888 and Lenn_official

  • Quotes
    5.7K 456 61


  • Delightful Insanity | Tate Langdon
    304K 6.8K 10

    UPDATE, A COUPLE OF YEARS LATER Hey guys, please read this bit before you read this story. This story contains descriptions of violence and needs an overall trigger warning for suicide. When I wrote the chapters for this story, I wasn't in the best state of mind and I projected that into my writing as some sort of the...

    Completed   Mature
  • Quotable Quotes!
    1.6M 28.5K 218

    My quotable quotes are quotable! So I`ll put notable notes with my quotable quotes to make my notes quotable! A book of inspirational quotes!

  • The Quote Book
    102K 3.8K 86

    q u o t e s . [highest rankings: #124 poetry #342 random]

  • A Beautifully Insane Four Letter Word ( Tate Langdon fanfic )
    975K 24.6K 41

    "Oh my god Tate, what did you do!" I yelled. "I'm sorry I wasn't thinking!" Tate yelled back. "Well obviously! Now it's gonna look like my mom killed a little boy, it doesn't look too good that his dead body is in my moms bedroom!" "Lily don't worry about that I can hide the body and Moria can clean up the mess, an...

  • Goodbye, Luke.
    1.2K 109 11

    Maybe all of this is for you my brother. I missed you damn much, but so do other guys and I think now I found people who'll understand my thoughts.. So I am done with this. -Ashton

  • Quotes :)
    1.8M 39.4K 149

    This book is just about some of my Favorite quotes!! Some of the Quotes are Song Lyrics Highest: #27 Random #1 in pursue Thank you so much for loving and reading this quote book! It's been more than 4/5 years since I started on it and did not expect firit to receive so much love! [Currently under editing, please do u...

  • An Empty Heart >> a.i.
    290 32 2

    "Zotaviť sa?" s náznakom irónie som zopakoval. "Si robíte srandu?" opýtal som sa vážne. Po chvíli som zistil, že nie.

  • Afraid of love
    48.2K 4.4K 62

    Why do you look so sad? It's not like you care anyways.

  • Quotes
    116K 3.5K 200

    Hello lovely people ♥ I've made this book for sharing some of my favourite quotes with you. Hopefully you'll love them as much as me. Anyways, if you left here some commments or stars -- I am so thankful for it! I revere every one comment or start (like), read! It means a world to me. So if you're like quotes just...

  • Unwritten
    4.8K 556 14

    „Predstav si, že romantika je ruža, ktorú ti niekto dá. Tá ruža ťa poteší, je to romantické gesto, lenže aj ona jedného dňa zvädne. Tvoja romantika sa rozpŕchne do koša spolu s odpadkami.“ drzo odvetil Hood. „Tak isto aj vášeň. Tiež ju cítiš len v určitú chvíľu. No aj tá chvíľa jedného dňa pomynie. Je fuč, spolu s j...

  • Don't give up.
    19.2K 1.3K 24

    ♥ Nikedy, proste musíš odísť a nechať to tak, nie pretože by si chcel, ale pretože proste musíš. ♥ Conver by: VictoriaAantosova69 ♥ xx

  • I want be made for you SK
    81.6K 3.1K 63

    Postavila som sa na múr, ktorý bol dostatočne hrubý na dva veľké kroky, zastala som na okraji, pozrela silno do slnka a zažmúrila lebo ma jeho svetlo oslepilo, do nosa sa mi pchala vôňa potoku spojená s blízkou továrňou, ktorá toto prostredie znehodnocovala. Ešte kúsok, a je po problémoch, stačí skočiť. Nič sa nestan...
