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Muggleworld au . draco & harry pansy & hermione blaise & ron . All the characters belong to J.K rowling :)
Muggleworld au . draco & harry pansy & hermione blaise & ron . All the characters belong to J.K rowling :)
In this story Harry James Potter, that's what Harry thought he was. until he was in potion class, then Harry put the wrong ingredient into the potion making Harry a toddler but all the glamour's that were placed on him we're off making him look more like his real family,Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, making him Luke Ja...
James and Severus hate each other... or so they think. what will happen when someone magically handcuffs them. the only way to get free is to stop hating each other. will they ever get free? who did it?
It was just a day in Hogwarts, the Gryffindors and Slytherin were having their potion class together. Everything was going well, untill Harry J. Potter and Draco L. Malfoy were paired on a lovely potion task. What will happen?
Ciae Questa é una raccolta di Drarry spero che vi piaccia. Se non vi piace il genere boy×boy siete pregati di andarvene. Ma ora vi lascio leggere CIAE ❤🖤
Draco asks Harry, completely out of the blue, to the Yule Ball. Which, after three years of hatred,bullying and rivalry, is, to say the least, a bit strange....What happens? Find out inside! ( Uh, like, in the book. Open the book, just, yea, inside the book. yeah. go.)
DRARRY. Harry is confused by Draco avoiding him, then something weird happens and he has cat ears and a tail! Should Harry follow his feline instincts, or ignore the meowvoulous feline inside when he's near Draco? (Im sorry about the puns, I can never resist)
||DRARRY.❤?(COMPLETA) Harry capisce di essere gay e affronta diversi ostacoli durante il suo coming-out. Draco svela alcuni oscuri e tristi segreti riguardanti il suo passato e si riscopre, bhé, anche lui è gay, e ben presto, entrambi i ragazzi capiranno che dietro quell'odio c'è molto di più. Tra perdite di memoria...
Nessuno conosceva realmente Draco. Nessuno conosceva realmente Harry. E se succedese qualcosa fra di loro?