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  • Beginner's Book of Shadows
    36.1K 798 13

    It seems that whenever you search 'Wicca' on Wattpad, it's just a bunch of books about spells and not the religion itself. I'm going to change that with this beginner's Book of Shadows A Book of Shadows is a Pagan book of spells, rituals, correspondences, and personal growth. This Book of Shadows contains parts from m...

  • Witchy QnAs & More: Ask me Questions on Witchcraft!
    222K 46 6

    A collection of witchy tips & tricks for newbies, budget witches, urban witches, magick on-the-go and broom closet dwellers. Ask me anything about witchcraft and I will answer to the best of my abilities! If you need more information on the topics in this book, or are totally new to the world of magick, please see my...