Turning Blue
Dave misses Kurt. Set 1994 Small drabble/oneshot
Kurt loves Dave with all his heart, but he's too afraid to tell anyone about their secret relationship.
Dave is a demon in Hell, while Kurt is an angel in Heaven. God decides to have a Heaven and Hell mix up party, just for his angels to see how Hell is. When Dave spots Kurt, he instantly wants him. And Dave being the head demon, gets anything he wants. {SMUT}
Dave's sad on New Years Eve because Kurt's spending it with Courtney and not him.
Kurt lives in a ally and Krist lets him stay with him and Dave. Will Dave and Kurt start to hang out a lot and have feeling for each other....... Read to find out
Awww aren't they just so cute together!!!
Dave, el baterista de Nirvana, se siente bastante excluido del grupo e intenta ser algo más que un simple batería. Pronto Krist, bajista, se siente celoso de su repentino acercamiento a Kurt, el alma de la banda. Entre ellos competirán por la atención de Kurt y solo uno de ellos la conseguirá.
Kurt Cobain's household (Him,mother,sister) are getting new neighbors. The neighbor loved Kurt at first sight. Will Kurt accept the love? Or will he try to deny it?
Courtney goes away for tour and while she's gone Kurt breaks his arm. Dave decides to help him around until his arm heals, and Kurt gains feelings for his best friend.
(In Dave's view most of the time) Dave is best friends with Kurt in school, but Kurt is with someone named Krist. Dave loves Kurt but Kurt refuses to love Dave until he finds himself in a relationship with Dave.
Okay, so this is just like my first ever Nirvana fanfic.. But don't worry, this isn't a sequel. I suck at descriptions!
Dave Grohl and Kurt Cobain have been friends for a long time. But Kurt started getting feelings for Dave but he is unsure if he should tell him. Will Dave get feelings for Kurt too? Or will he reject Kurt and leave him broken hearted?
A short, boyxboy story between Kurt Cobain and Dave Grohl of the amazing band, Nirvana.