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  • || The New Girl || Kenma Ɨ Reader || Discontinued ||
    18.7K 551 6

    Discontinued Due to problems in your home town you and your father had to leave and the only option was Tokyo. You must move to a new neighbour hood and new school, making new friends and enemy's along the way. Who knows, you might even start a relationship with your cute gamer boy neighbour...

  • TWO FACED . tsukishima kei [āœ“]
    666K 26.3K 39

    "š˜šŽš”'š•š„ š†šŽš“ š€ šš€š’š“š˜ š€š“š“šˆš“š”šƒš„, š‚š‹š€š’š’ š‘š„š." "šˆ'š‹š‹ š’š€š– š˜šŽš”š‘ šƒšˆš‚šŠ šŽš…š…, š“š’š”šŠšˆš’š‡šˆšŒš€." "š’šŽ š•š”š‹š†š€š‘." ā”€ accidentally stumbling upon kimura miki who was in the middle of a rampage, tsukishima uses this opportunity to blackmail the class representative...

    Completed   Mature
  • Tsukki x Reader
    977 19 2

    may contains pervy scenes WARNING 18+

  • Kenma X Reader ~ Unlikely [BEING REWRITTEN]
    288K 7.6K 21

    Y/N is a star volleyball player in her middle school. She was the ace of the team at Shiratorizawa Middle School. After her mother gets a job in Tokyo they have to move. She decides to go to Nekoma High School. Despite being a star athlete she hates the attention and seeks friendship within someone just like her. I do...

  • For Once (BTS Suga FF)āœ“
    78K 1.5K 23

    [completed] --For Once // Suga FF // -- ā˜†ā”ā”ā”ā”ā”ā”ā”ā”ā”ā”ā”ā”ā”ā”ā”ā˜† Finally, I'm changing school. Why am I so happy? Well, more like, the clichĆ©s, "I might lose contact with my friends.". I'm happy because I got out of this prison of a school. They treat us like prisoners for some reasons, but somehow keep their image as a nice...

  • Opposites (Tsukishima x Reader)
    490K 12.9K 51

    Y/n wasn't excepting this to happen... Becoming one of the manager of the Karasuno's volleyball team and dealing with a past crush. her life really turned upside down. omg I apologize in advance. Like actually... I made this as a joke and now it has like thousands of views pls :,) also the cover art isn't mine all...

  • Ė¢įµ˜āæ ~ įµ’ā±įµįµƒŹ·įµƒ
    1.5M 52.6K 32

    ā‚“Ėš. ą­­ Ėšā—‹ā—¦Ėš.Ėšā—¦ā—‹Ėš ą­§ .Ėšā‚“ įµ—Ź°įµ‰ įµ‰įµįµ–įµ—Źø į¶œĖ”įµƒĖ¢Ė¢Ź³įµ’įµ’įµ į¶ įµ‰Ė”įµ— Ź·įµƒŹ³įµ įµƒāæįµˆ įµ–įµ‰įµƒį¶œįµ‰į¶ įµ˜Ė” Ź·Ź°ā±Ė”įµ‰ Ė¢ā±įµ—įµ—ā±āæįµ ā±āæ įµ—Ź°įµ‰Ź³įµ‰ įµƒĖ”įµ’āæįµ‰. įµ˜āæįµ—ā±Ė” įµƒ įµ‡Ź³įµ’Ź·āæ Ź°įµƒā±Ź³įµ‰įµˆ įµ‡įµ’Źø įµˆįµ‰į¶œā±įµˆįµ‰įµˆ įµ—įµ’ įµ‡įµƒŹ³įµįµ‰ ā±āæ. įµ’ā±įµįµƒŹ·įµƒ įµ—įµ’įµ’Ź³įµ˜, į¶œįµƒįµ–įµ—įµƒā±āæ įµ’į¶  įµ—Ź°įµ‰ įµ›įµ’Ė”Ė”įµ‰Źøįµ‡įµƒĖ”Ė” įµ—įµ‰įµƒįµ, įµƒāæįµˆ įµ–Ź³įµ‰įµ—įµ—Źø įµ‡įµ’Źø įµ’į¶  įµƒįµ’įµ‡įµƒ Ź²įµ’Ź°Ė¢įµƒā±. ā‚“Ėš. ą­­ Ėšā—‹ā—¦Ėš.Ėšā—¦ā—‹Ėš ą­§ .Ėšā‚“ ššŽš šŽš… š“š‡š„ š‡š€šˆšŠš˜š”š” š‚š‡š€š‘š€š‚š“š„š‘...

  • Min Yoongi's Sister || J.JK āœ“
    696K 15.6K 87

    Min Jisoo comes back to Korea after studying abroad. What happens when she's finally introduced to her brother's bandmates and joins them on their world tour? This is the story of Min Yoongi's Sister. _ Jeon Jungkook | Completed _ Started: January 9th, 2018 Completed: December 9th, 2018 _ Highest Rankings #1 in btsju...

  • You Belong With Me | JJK
    875K 24.6K 25

    Jeon Jungkook, the most wanted among girls and popular for his playboy image, is to be a young teenage girl's crush, Jung Hye Sang a.k.a Gee Hye. Gee Hye was just an average girl who didn't know that Jungkook was planning something on her. She thought the feelings that they both shared was real until she realize that...
