dwelling | iwaoi
iwaizumi had his heart broken and decided to go home. oikawa thought he could make him feel home again.
iwaizumi had his heart broken and decided to go home. oikawa thought he could make him feel home again.
Hawks has been looking for his old friend, Touya, for years now. As the years go by, he had wished that his feelings for his friend would go away, but they never did. However, these feelings had never been more than motivation. Now that he's coughing up flowers, how could this effect his life? Will he be able to sur...
Soulmate AU Soulmates were a tricky subject. When you were a few years old, about when you got your quirk, a few words would appear somewhere on their body. those would be the first words your soulmate would say to you specifically. As soon as you and your soulmate touched skin to skin, a mark would appear correspondi...
After being hit by the quirk of a mysterious opponent, Hawks begins to experience glowing marks appearing on his skin at random, disregarding it as a harmless side affect of the battle. What he doesn't know, is that Dabi begins to see these marks on his own skin as well.
A nevem Midoriya Izuku, én vagyok All Might örököse, a UA-be járok, első éves A-s vagyok. A gyerekkori barátom, Kacchan rájött, hogy a képességem nem is az enyém, de ez még kicsit régebben történt. Most kezdődött a második félév, én pedig egyre idegesebb és idegesebb vagyok, több dolog miatt is. És nem mellesleg ott v...
Hawks, a Hármas számú Profi Hős, Endevaour segédje, miután szakított barátnőével Fuyumival, lezuhan repülés közben és egy Gondosztevő, Dabi menti meg az életét. A két srác ugyan azt állítja hogy ki nem állhatják egymást, még is mind a ketten érzik hogy valami kialakulóban van köztük. Ha érdekel mi történik ez után o...