Tips & Tricks to Writing on Wattpad
Part guide, part rant. Everything I've learned on writing, from Wattpad, experience, or how-to writing books. Leave requests on the second chapter :)
Part guide, part rant. Everything I've learned on writing, from Wattpad, experience, or how-to writing books. Leave requests on the second chapter :)
As the title states, this is your tutorial, created by me, to writing a story to the very best of your abilities. By carefully reading through the following pages, you can enhance your skills and clear your path to becoming the great author that you wish to be, uncovering your potential each step of the way. For tips...
Extra, extra, read all about it! Have you heard? I'm giving out writing tips. Whether or not you actually pick up some writing tips is up to you. Hold on. Please don't run away screaming yet. I promise I'll be nice. Cover by @southofparadise
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Part 2 of 100 Things. For those of you who've missed Part 1 (mainly dealing with the creation and sustaining of tension), you can find it here: Part 2 will mainly be about the craft of writing, or as...
#5 in non-fiction Tip, quotes, advices about writing that I found inspiring. I hope they help everyone who reads this book :)) I DO NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT OF THE POSTS. They belong to several websites and blogs. Credit goes to @MartaxSofia for making the new wonderful cover .. take a look at her work and her cover sho...
YOU WANNA FIGHT? FIGHT ME! Or we could have a cup of tea and a biscuit if you prefer. Ever found it hard to get to grips with how to put together a fight scene, or a battle sequence? This guide runs you through the basics, talks about different styles of fighting and weaponry, how to put together fight scenes, plan ou...
+ I don't have the time or motivation to write these ideas so i might as well share them
Writing help from an English/Creative Writing major. This is practically a free writing class. It's full of useful writing tips and tricks that I've picked up in my writing career/common mistakes found while editing others' work. I hope you can find use out of this. I add to it every time I think of something else tha...
In this brief tutorial, award-winning traditional and independent author AlTonya Washington discusses the motivation behind creating her memorable characters.
In this book, I will explain my own writing steps and techniques for fellow authors to share. This book is catered to Warriors fanfictions, but the tips within them can be used to help write any work, regardless of originality or genre. Please note that this book is currently under revision. It was first published in...
Welcome Wattpadders! This book will be short and to the point. I won’t bore you with mundane grammar rules or the crap you learn in English class, but I will offer simple suggestions on how to improve your writing. These are tips that I use every day when I sit down to write. Nothing fancy, just the basics. I can’t pr...
J.M. Frey's decade-long advice column is now on Wattpad. Have a question about the craft or business of writing? Find your answers - and ask your questions - here. J.M. Frey is an author, screenwriter, and lapsed academic. Her novels have won Watty Awards, been nominated for the Lambdas, taught on university syllabuse...
Are you the next JK Rowling or just like to write for fun but would like some tips to improve? Then you've come to the right place. In this guide I will cover everything from title, cover, summary, first chapters, advertising, writers block and more.
Clichés are fantastic. Clichés are terrible. Clichés are almost impossible to escape. So let's learn what they are, and how to write them better.
Part 3 of 100 Things You Should Know About Writing will mainly feature writing technique, but I'm due to veer off on some other writing-related tangent. I'll make sure to keep things informative, though. If you're looking for Part 1 (which mainly dealt with creating and sustaining tension), you can find it here: http...
for someone who keeps telling me that they have no ideas and can't write... just do it. hi @bae
***CHECK OUT BOOK 2!*** We all get down sometimes in life. I hope these quotes can lift your spirits a bit! I tried to put a bit of everything in this collection, but if I miss anything you think should be included, shoot me a message and let me know! I just might add it in (*wink*). Enjoy! ****NOTE: These quotes were...
The advice you will find here follows the Chicago Manual of Style which is widely used by American publishers. There are some variances in style from country to country (and even from American publisher to American publisher.) **It may be easier to search the Table of Contents, as there is no rhyme or reason right no...
This is about writing, as I think of it. Subjects covered will range from plot aspects to characterization, writing craft to just surviving as a writer. Mainly, Part 1 is a comprehensive list of things to do in order to create and maintain tension.