Flowers and Brambles
Magic has always existed. You just didn't know how much you had inside you.
The governments failed. The new generation has taken over. Everything was failing - from the economy to overpopulation. The world split into two sides; The Freedom activists and the Restoration. The Restoration, which was half of the world, decided that it was the people's fault that the world ended up that way - so...
"Have you noticed America has been looking..kinda strange recently?" "I wouldn't worry too much about him"
America always had to be the centre of attention, be his cocky self, he needed to stand out - Russia was trapped in their science class once a fire broke out, and America, as attention seeking as he is, tries playing hero. Not everything goes to plan. #3 in RusAme 20/10/2019 !!!WARNING!!! THIS BOOK HAS SOME EXTREMELY...