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  • A griffin's diary
    3 0 2

    A boy named Colin Blackhill founds a mysterious necklace in their garden.When he wear's it, he can become a griffin anytime he want's.But someting's not right: some evil people find out what can he do, and trye's to capture him.Can he escape the danger, without endangering others?Can he survive?

  • A racehorse's diary
    12 3 3

    The famous race horse, Blueleaf break's his leg in the Willowill derby.His jokey Gill Cloudmill want's to euthanize the horse.A girl, Alex Meadowhole make friend's whit the horse, and want's to save him.Alex and Blueleaf escape and go to an abandoned riding hall, where Alex trie's to heal the horse.But Gill find's ou...

  • A Galaxis lovasai
    3 0 1

    Egyszer régen élt négy lovas.Mindegyik lovasnak volt egy erős kristálya: a sötétség kristály, a világosság kristály, a csillag kristály és a legerősebb a galaxis kristály.De volt még egy kristály: a mitikus kristály.A mitikus kristály rossz kezekben volt:a sötét varázsló, Hollókarom birtokolta.A Galaxis lovasai évekig...

  • The Galaxy rider's
    67 9 6

    Once upon a time, there was four rider's.Every rider had a powerful crystal: the dark crystal, the light crystal, the star crystal and the most powerful the galaxy crystal.But there was one more crystal: the mythic crystal.The mythic crystal was in the wrong hand's: the dark wizard, Ravencalw own it.The Galaxy rider's...