The Know-it-all Zabini
What if Hermione was never a muggle born Granger but a pureblood Zabini? Starts in first year. Dramione. Completed
What if Hermione was never a muggle born Granger but a pureblood Zabini? Starts in first year. Dramione. Completed
What if Hermione granger wasn't a granger but actually a zabini and her twin brother was no other than blaise zabini What will happen when Hermione finds out the truth will she tell Harry? What about Ron will he stop hitting Hermione? What about Hermione will she tell someone about rons abusive ways. will Hermione eve...
*È IL PRIMO LIBRO CHE SCRIVO QUINDI NON ASPETTATEVI LA DIVINA COMMEDIA MA QUALCOSA DI SEMPLICE, FRUTTO DI IMMAGINAZIONE E TEMPO LIBERO* Hermione, studentessa grifondoro, sesto anno, alunna modello, capelli crespi e faccia perennemente nei libri, un giorno riceverà una sorpresa inaspettata, che la porterà a nuove scope...
Hermione scoprirà una cosa ,che la farà cambiare completamente.Dite addio alla vecchia Hermione Jean Granger
Hermione sgranò gli occhi. Non era possibile,i suoi genitori erano babbani. -tu sei mia figlia- sibilò.
CIAO A TUTTI ALLORA QUESTA SARÀ UNA DRAMIONE. VOGLIO CHE QUESTO RACCONTO VI PIACCIA E VI FACCIA INNAMORARE! PREMESSA: -Allora questa storia è (purtroppo) inventata, quindi può darsi che alcuni personaggi siano diversi dai libri e dai film. Magari la storia originale PUÒ ESSERE CAMBIATA. Buona lettura purosangue 👑
e se Hermione diventasse serpeverde? se Draco diventasse il suo piú fidato amico? E se lei non 'volesse' piú fidarsi di Harry e Ron?? E se all'ultimo film della saga cambiasse il finale? Se Lord Voldemort avesse una figlia con una "presunta madre" misteriosa? e se Draco cambiasse idea su Hermione? schiarisciti la memo...
Basically what the title says. Hermione is Voldemort's Daughter, and a Deatheater. I know it's been done before, but I've tweaked the plan a bit. It's super funny I swear. Original story on By Comix and Co
Hermione. Riddle? {full description inside} {all rights to the amazing j.k. rowling} {warning: wrote this many years ago so it doesn't really make much sense & is a lil cringey, feel free to read it but check my profile for a new, (different enough that i'd recommend reading it even if you've already read this one) e...
"Evil can sometimes be justified by the wrongdoings of others ." Secrets unravel after a disastrous Potions' class and Hermione is left for a difficult choice: Good or Bad? Family or Friends? Love or Friendship? She will decide her path.. and you will see what she will choose.
Hermione Granger; brightest witch of her age, muggle-born, best friends with Harry Potter, Lord Voldemorts long lost daughter? Before the start of her sixth year at Hogwarts, Hermione learns the truth about herself. What will happen to her? To the Wizarding World? Sixth Year AU Possible Ships: Hinny, RonxPansy, Drami...
When Hermione starts the seemingly impossible task to find her biological family. The only clue she has is a letter that her father gave her on the day he left her. With little to no knowledge, she tries and contacts him by Owl. To her surprise, he is alive and well. A dad's kid is never lost REVIEWS You can let go no...
What if your whole life was an entire lie? What if the potions master was your father? Find out in this fan fiction about lies, betrayal, and new love. Sorry I suck writing a descriptions for fan fiction so just bare with me.
After the war the wizarding world is changing for the better. Most students return for their last year at hogwarts. Hermione finds out that she isn't a granger but a zabini twin. She learns of a secret power that was hidden along with her true self by a concealment charm. This is a Dramione and also a blinny story. S...
Hermione Granger finds out something important about her past. She isn't a Granger. how will she transition to her new life?