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  • In the deep
    816 231 12

    To some, freedom was a need: a necessity like food and water. But for Hephzibah, freedom was a luxury: something she wanted but that always out of reach. With an insanely religious and controlling father, the 18 year old thought college would be the ticket to the freedom she always craved. The freedom that, just like...

    2.7K 229 21

    A collection of captivating fables, illuminating as they are amusing. It's totally worth reading.

  • She Falls to the Sky | √
    353 81 2

    All she has to do is protect The Lady and be free. But things take a different turn when she is betrayed. This is the story of why She Falls to the Sky. •°•°•° 🏆 Honorable Mention in The Ruby Awards 2019 (8th place) 🏆 Honorable Mention in The Golden Awards #WattNigeria #WattysNG2020

  • Not On Her List
    2.2K 799 24

    On the list: -Date Tayron Rogers ✔ -Get into the lacrosse team ✅ -Pass Trig classes ✔ -Play in the lacrosse finals✅ -Get into UCLA ✔ Definitely NOT on the list: -Be in a dare relationship ❌ -Fail Trig classes✖ -Have a fight with Holly❌ -Get hit by a car✖ -Not play in the lacrosse finals❌ -Like Cj Barton?✖ ...
