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  • Essential Readings for A Godly Living
    405 97 39

    Godliness is a mystery! Fail to grasp this fact and you will never understand the nature of godliness. It is a mystery to the human mind because human wisdom naturally thinks in terms of human effort. But true godliness is received as a gift from God through a supernatural work of His Spirit. God uses the divine powe...

  • Bride of Christ: Prepare Now!
    2.2K 200 23

    Urgent End-Time messages for the Bride of Christ and those who want to become the Bride of Christ - For those who want to be raptured to Heaven with Jesus

  • Marriage Supper of the Lamb
    671 95 43

    MY children, this is your LORD Speaking. I am coming very soon. MY Coming is near, even at the door. I am coming! You need to make ready. This journal was completed during a 40-day fast by MY daughter Susan. She did this fast at MY Request. I brought her to a secluded location so that she might die to herself. Durin...

  • Rapture or Tribulation
    525 129 44

    In this book, you will come to understand that Jesus has been very busy giving warnings to us that the Rapture is very, very soon...

  • Left Behind After the Rapture
    1.2K 101 51

    After the Rapture there will be many disasters, many death, and many, many will be left behind.

  • Ready for Rapture
    921 110 74

    Total Surrender and Adoration - Prophetic Messages dictated to Susan Davis "The hour is approaching of MY Return for the church. It closes in. Each day, I draw nearer. The Season is now! You are in the season to be watching closely. This is not the time to be sitting on your hands or closing your eyes. This is the tim...
