Áno, znova som sa vrátila. Plná kritiky, irónie, humoru a pikantných poznámok. Na dverách mám napísané, ZATVORENÉ cover by: @Gaudete_mensis ©2020 1 v recenziách 1.3.2021
Áno, znova som sa vrátila. Plná kritiky, irónie, humoru a pikantných poznámok. Na dverách mám napísané, ZATVORENÉ cover by: @Gaudete_mensis ©2020 1 v recenziách 1.3.2021
After finally escaping the dreaded psych ward they've been contained in for years, Josiah and Leyla run around the country wreaking havoc while attempting to survive and overcome their trauma together. If you have read my other stories, please note that I purposely made this one a bit more angsty and disheartening jus...
Samantha: Jaecar, the fiercest of the Border Guard, has always been kind to me. Indulging me despite what I thought was his lack of sexual interest. That all changed the day he told me he'd have me as his mate. I said no. Spurring Jaecar to go from the sweet boy next door to the hungry wolf with his eye on me. Jaecar:...
Príbeh je o 16 ročnej Alex, ktorá je už 2 roky v psychiatrickej liečebni do ktorej ju dal jej otec. Život tam, ju ale vôbec nebaví...
Asher and Carter have become a serial killer duo. The local and national news had dubbed the string of murdered The Hero Killings. A play on words due to the fact who they are killing are pedos and rapists, the killers have been dubbed hero's by the public. Technically book four of my cannibal family series. Just not...
Warning:Very mature content. "A thick long finger penetrates me,and I slowly jump up but he keeps a firm hold on me and hold me in position. He lifts me up in position and seats me on the glass top of his desk.The coldness of it burns my abused asscheeks and he knows is very well too,that is why he has again kept a fi...
Ona je lovkyňa. On je upír. Ona patrí do rodiny tých najlepších lovcov, preto ju rodičia žiadajú, aby bola ako oni. On je bezcitný a hnusný. Ona sa učí ako loviť. On dosť ľahko stratí nervy. Ona je milá, dobrá ale niekedy jednoducho nedokáže ovládať svoj štipľavý jazyk. On túži po jej krvi. Ona rada kreslí. On tiež. O...
Každý vlk chce jediné! Nájsť svoju polovičku, odviesť si ju k sebe a strážiť ju ako oko v hlave! No čo ak zistí že jej polovička je najobávanejší vlk, ktorý kedy žil a ide si po ňu. Odíde dobrovoľne? Alebo bude musieť prísť s bojovníkmi? Bude mať mladá Madison Blacková možnosť mu újsť? Zmení ho? Ako sa k nej bude sprá...
Upír a človek. Bezcitný a drzá. Park je ich osudné miesto. Krátky príbeh písaní so @SweetBlueMbj ❤ VAMPIRE ROMANCE FANTASY SHORT STORY TikaTuka ♕
Možno keby sa dal svet zmeniť padnutím kvapky krvi z nás, a neprevrhnúť Zem prostým vyrieknutím otrepaných prázdnych fráz. Možno keby nebo krvácalo a peklo plnilo tmavé ľudské sny, moja duša, čierna duša, neopusť ma nikdy, ži. Samé chyby robíme my ty čo sú na potravinovom reťazci....
Bol to arogantný a majetnícky bastard. Nezaváhal, aby niekoho zabil aj tým najohavnejším spôsobom. A napriek tomu nás osud prinútil bláznivo a bezhlavo sa zamilovať. Bála som sa. Hnevala som sa. Inštinkt mi však dodával istotu o tom, že mu môžem veriť. I keď som vedela, že nie som v bezpečí. ,,S-si vrah." ,,Áno, som...
Book one of the Twisted Curse Series ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ A modern day twist of what really happened between Little Red Riding Hood, her Grandmother, and the Wolf. What if the story was all wrong? What if a Curse brought them together? ➖➖ "What are you?!" I shrieked. My mind trying to figure out ways to escape. He leaned i...
Alexia Celesta Brewer. Forced from her home when her pack is attacked, Alexia ran as far as she could to avoid being captured. That is until she ran, now a rogue, straight into Alpha Beck's land. Away on business, he is unable to deal with her and she is locked in their prison, abused and mistreated. She has always b...
Arrabella Middletin hasn't spoken a word since she was eight years old. The only thing she shares her thoughts with is her diary. She lives with her abusive father and is starting a new school. With a dad that freaks out when she makes a friend or even associates with others what will he do when Arrabella discovers th...
Maia, 19 years old, is a average she-wolf or so she thought. Bright and tough, she's ready to take on anything thrown her way. Austin, 22 years old, is the Alpha. Owning and living in Werewolf Academy. He has been searching for his mate for over 4 years with no luck. But one day a girl is chosen to attend Werewolf Ac...
"You stupid bitch!" Screamed the red head turning to face me. Her drink spilled all over her. "I'm so sorry, i didn't mean to." I said backing away. As i was backing up i was stopped by a wall. The girl came stalking towards me with her hand ready to strike. I closed my eyes ready for impact but it never came. I opene...
Každá škola má svoju skupinu najpopulárnejších ľudí. Nazývajú ju ELITA . Aj keď sú celý čas na očiach a všetci na škole ich riešia, nikto ich aj napriek tomu nepozná. Pred všetkými skrývajú jedno obrovské tajomstvo, o ktorom sa nesmie nikto dozvedieť. #1 in werewolf ❤️ 05.01.2019❤️ #2 in fantasy ❤️ 01.01.2019 ❤️
19 year old Ray gets abused by her foster parents that don't want anything to do with her. She's in her fourth year of university planning to become a doctor. Ray is extremely smart, known for her kindness and most of all, she's very shy. 21 year old Ace is a quiet and dangerous gangleader. He's never been seen with f...
"Who was your first kiss?" Ares asked very seriously and my face started reddening. "I. . . haven't been kissed. Yet." I looked away as I didn't have the courage to meet his eyes and admit this. "Why not?" Why was he asking me this? "You obviously know why. I'm average, I'm just a normal girl." I was interrupted by an...
Growling lowly, I rose from my seated position and took a few steps back from the door and stood in my fighting stance, preparing myself for the worst. If it means having to knock out the Alpha so I could get to BlueMoon, so be it. "You're not going to be serious," Aiden said, a frown appearing on his handsome face as...
Zoe is a rogue who is forced to attend a school for werewolves for a year thanks to a new law. There she meets her mate, a certain Alpha who holds a grudge against all rogues. Will he get the life he has always craved or will his pride get the better of him?
Ashley. To je moje meno. Také obyčajné, až je to vtipné. Život taký však ani zďaleka nemám.
Myslíte si, že jedno pouhé zavytí může změnit váš život? Ne? To si ONA myslela taky... dokud nepotkala jeho. Silná, okouzlující vlčice, neohrožená bojovnice, dcera Alfy a jeho nástupnice, to vše je Isabelle Walkerová. Pěkný domov, spoustu zábavy a ani láska ji nechybí, co se ovšem stane, když se vše zvrtne a ona se do...
"When will you accept me?'' Lucian murmured against my skin. The wonderful feeling only grew as he stepped closer, the thick muscles between our layers of clothing pressing against my back. He dipped his head. I could feel his lips against my ear when he spoke. "When, Victoria? I am tired of fighting with you. I know...
Ak vás omrzeli príbehy o nevinnej hlavnej hrdinke, toto je príbeh pre vás. Hlavná postava nie je žiadne béčko, má vlastný rozum a útoky vie oplácať rovnako zákerne. Príbeh obsahuje vzťah nevlastných súrodencov, sexuálne scény a vulgarizmy.
Alfa se do své Luny zamiluje na první pohled, ale jeho spřízněná duše o tom nemá ani potuchy.
Byla, je a bude jen loutkou. Postavička na šachové desce s tím problémem, že o svých krocích nerozhoduje. Byla poslední svého druhu, možná už teď nežije... Nejkrutější, bezcitný, chladný, výbušný a hrůzostrašný Alfa smečky Dark moon. Už dlouhou dobu prahne po své spřízněné duši, své životní lásce a Luně pro jeho smeč...
Čo keď vám do života začne prehovárať vaša postava? Čo sa môže všetko stať? Krátke príbehy o tom, keď sa vaša postava začne zaoberať vašim životom. Príbehy o obavách, radostiach i starostiach. Sonda do autorovej duše, okno do jeho prežívania a vnímania okolných situácii
Mladý muž menom Brandon bude unesený upírom, pričom netuší, čo ho čaká.
Miranda je jedno krásne ,milé , občas drzé a odvážne dievča. Žije v LA . V živote jej nič nechýba . Má milujúcich rodičov ktorý sú veľmi bohatí a vplyvní ľudia a nakoniec jej tri najlepšie kamarátky s ktorými sa pozná už od detstva. Miranda a jej kamošky sú spolu v poslednom ročníku na strednej škole a nemôžu sa dočka...