PREFERENCES. ben: when klaus and i go to the movies, he will always try to guess the ending. and he will always guess that the main character has been dead the whole time. even when we saw ratatouille.
PREFERENCES. ben: when klaus and i go to the movies, he will always try to guess the ending. and he will always guess that the main character has been dead the whole time. even when we saw ratatouille.
,,Najprv sme sa dohodli, že si urobíme srandu ale potom som vážne začal niečo cítiť." postavil sa a pomaly kráčal ku Kim. ,,Neverím ti! Nič z toho! Všetci ste bezcitný!" Kim sa tlačili do očí slzy, no nemohla dovoliť dať najavo jej city, a tak ich horko-ťažko potláčala. Len tam tak stál a pozeral sa na ňu. V západe sl...