Los signos y sus publicaciones en la famosa aplicación.
Doce adolescentes inestables, una casa que pertenece a un desconocido y poderes ¿Que podría pasar? La respuesta; Mucho. Esta historia va a ser un poco diferente, ya que los lectores van a tener mucha más participación, espero que les guste.
Desde Tiempos Mitológicos las Tierras , eran gobernadas por "Cinco" Elementos. Cada reino era regido por un Elemento: Fuego, Aire, Tierra, Agua y el último Elemento "La Luz y La Oscuridad" Cada Reino yacía con Tres monarcas cuya función era velar por su Reino. Los cuales cuyo origen era escogida por las constelacione...
Dos bandos, un pasado en común y una sola casa...¿Que podría salir mal?
Primer día en la institución, un nuevo año con nuevos ingresos en la preparatoria Wenstern inicia, suficientes para llenar la nueva sección abierta para este año, un grupo grande de personas diferentes, claro que los que interesaban era ellos 13. En su cabeza eran perfectos, por fin tenía a los integrantes para su clu...
In the Kingdom of Games, there are 6 provinces who each specialize in one game. That being poker or chess. The 6 provinces all despise eachother as everyone is competitive, believing their game is the only one that should be played in the Kingdom, thus leading to misbalanced between everyone. After an incident that l...
24 friends descide to go on the biggest, craziest and best adventure of there lives. Living in one house together. There are going to friendships, reletionships and maybe even broken hearts. If you want to find out what happens fell free to read this book. ~Laluny~ 1. #92 freedom 5.2.2021 2. #157 freedom 15.11.2020 3...
It's a new school year and the zodiacs are juniors. This school year is not like the others, Pisces realizes something is very off about the new principal, she keeps giving her and her friends some strange looks. Find out what's happening by reading, A Zodiac Story: the constellations are born. This story follows...
de·tec·tive noun a person, especially a police officer, whose occupation is to investigate and solve crimes ⋆⋆⋆ As you saw, detective's are an important part of crime solving. Thats why we need them. When you want to be one, you train. In this scenario, there are twelve students. What will they found out? What crimes...
THE ZODIACS A new year at a new school, a fresh start. The Zodiacs go to Leighton Boarding School, one of the best school in the nation. They all sooner or later, meet each other and become friends while they might look at someone more than just a friends. Going through a trip is difficult but sticking together is ev...
Pasaron meses desde aquel apocalipsis zombie, 4 meses para ser precisos. Los signos del zodiaco lucharán contra los horribles monstruos que muchos llaman "caminantes" para salvar sus vidas.
«This is a Zodiac Story if you want to read...Just read I don't care~ And if you don't found it interesting it not my fault that you read this... «(THIS IS A WARNING)» A school that was filled with many talented people but what is with this school? 12 teenagers that was chosen to make the world a better place and that...
Each person in society has a connection with a certain star, planet, or constellation. Each person has their own, no duplicates. The strongest being constellars, then planetiers, then starians.
WHYYYYYYY SELF okay let's be real now. *ahem* so, the zodiacs all move in the same apartment. is there chaos? of course! who do you think I am?
Pisces Woodtell, a teenage girl of a rich family. But her life was boring. Her parents had been ignoring her ever since she was in primary school because of her talented older siblings. But one day, she discovered a book. An ancient book. Follow her and the other signs to this 'not suppose to be' adventure!
*notice: this story has a lot of fictional information and the plot becomes hard to understand if you're skipping most parts to look for your zodiac's name. so please avoid doing so when reading this book. ty! <3 ╔══════════════╖ ❝ it's a place that, once inside, we become stronger. don't you ...
Como crees que estaría formada una historia de los signos? Alocada? Obviamente! Rara? Es lo mismo que alocada, así que si! Divertida? Distintos tipo de humor Habrá parejas? Oh, eso lo veremos Pero lo que va a sobrar es cariño entre ellos! Está historia no va a ser actualizada diariamente, tampoco prometo que esté ll...
En la antiguedad se decía que los dioses bajaban del Olimpo y se divertían con los humanos. De esas uniones nacian los semidioses, quienes estaban destinados a ser grandes héroes. Muchos creen que esto ya terminó, que solo son mitos. Pues esto no es verdad, los dioses griegos si existen, y aún se divierten y aún nacen...
"But Dad! I don't want to go there!!! Why would I ever go? I want to stay here with you and Sis!" Sagittarius was yelling and wining. She truly didn't want to go... "I would never see anymore neither Cassie neither Kim! Why do I have to go to that place with eleven more dudes!?"... Her dad looked at her, calmly. "Hey...
Cansada de este bucle de el que no puedo salir, heridas mal cerradas que se me vuelven a abrir.
14 chicos sufrieron la pérdida de una amiga tras su misteriosa desaparición. Después de 3 años del suceso los chicos se juntan en el lugar de los hechos donde descubren pistas, secretos y sospechosos. Cada uno hará hasta lo imposible para demostrar su inocencia. 13 inocentes, 1 culpable.
La academia Nightmare, un lugar donde jóvenes de todo tipo y completamente diferentes viven y estudian, pero ellos no son del todo distintos, todos y cada uno de los jóvenes que asisten a la academia cuentan con habilidades que el mundo considera peligrosas.
What happens when your country's very good president is blamed and arrested for stealing the world's most precious diamonds!? And the opposition takes over the control on the country, and misuse their power -that is when our 12 heroes who have no relation with one another, come together for their country, for their pe...
Adolescentes con problemas. Mad guys Bad guys Nerds y Famous. ¿Que pasaría si se mezaclaran con alguien que no es de su grupo? ¿Que pasaría si los 4 grupos más conocidos del instituto se juntarán.
Estos son doce jóvenes, que luego de doce años de su último encuentro, se cruzan en un internado. Tuvieron ciertos cambios, físicos y psicológicos, lo que los llevaron a terminar en un internado. Existen las casualidades y tambien las causalidades. ¿Su reencuentro será para bien o para mal? ¿Se acordarán del pas...