The Phone Call Chronicles
As many Jacksley fans know, their relationship developed through phone calls and little dates. This story takes place between 1992-1993, but it will begin in 1984. I hope you enjoy it. This story won't be as the others.
As many Jacksley fans know, their relationship developed through phone calls and little dates. This story takes place between 1992-1993, but it will begin in 1984. I hope you enjoy it. This story won't be as the others.
It has been reported that the Daughter of the "King Of Rock and Roll" and "The King of Pop" Michael Jackson have supposedly leaked a sex tape. People's minds are burning with questions right now as we speak. Was this their doing? Did they do this to gain more fame? Was it an evil act of someone else? How are they goin...
Michael and Lisa are married. Lisa has a daughter named Riley who is 18 by her previous husband. With cheating involved and jealous ex's, what kind of relationship will Michael and Riley have? Read to find out! (DANGEROUS ERA!) Riley: 18 Michael: 36
Michael is getting ready to film his short-film You Are Not Alone,starring his lovely wife Lisa Marie. Will Lisa help keep him focused or will she prove to be a welcome distraction from work?
"Shit- let me look at that....can you scoot over?" The apparition ignored my request. As my eyes adjusted, I knew I was dreaming. Or dying. This had to be a pre-death hallucination. "Man- if you got a phone you might wanna call an ambulance...cause I keep thinking you are my ex. So I know something's seriously wrong...
Michael simply returned her stare. "Do you regret you came here?" "I had no choice, don't you know that by now?" A lonely tear slid down her soft cheek. He reached out and caught it, cherishing the sparkling drop, wishing with all his heart she'd never cry over him again. This story starts in 1996- Michael is about to...
This story takes place in 2002 after the MTV Video Music Award Show. If you remember, Lisa and Michael were in attendance- with Lisa sporting a "Bite-Me" shirt and a VERY short skirt. It was August 29th- Michael's birthday... And Lisa had recently been married to Nicolas Cage.
"Oh no, oh crap. Not again. I need to get out; I need to get away from you..." "But Lisa..." "No, no, don't say it. I gotta get out." She jumped up and headed for the door. Surprised by his own speed given his disheveled state, he managed to catch her before she reached the door. Once again, he pulled her back, knowi...
Lisa reached up with her free hand. It was not fair that she had to be so utterly vulnerable to him while he got to hide. Michael caught her wrist. "Don't..." "You don't need them in here, Mike." "I do. My eyes are hurting from...and I got a headache..." "Please..." He stilled, biting his lip. Michael brought her...
No, this was so wrong, he does not like lillies. He loves sunflowers. He should not be here, all alone, surrounded by those cold flowers, when he had always longed for the warmth of the 'happy flowers' making him smile. Deep desperation penetrated her almost narcotic state and a stifled cry rose from some deep place...
Eine der schönsten Liebesgeschichten Mit viel Liebe, Drama und Romantik. ~~~~ Wer kennt ihn nicht? Michael Jackson the King of Pop! Und Lisa marie Presley Die Tochter von Elvis Presley. Lisa marie und Michael Jackson treffen sich zufällig. Sie verlieben sich. Doch wird diese Liebe eine Zukunft haben? Wird Michae...
A story set in the late modern day 80's where Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley meet. Will love conquer all or will they be separated? Read to find out