untitled monsters
In this world, monsters of many roam the wilderness. A particular pair share both a proximity to a human research base and to each other. To the humans, a fight for dominance. To them... a fight for "dominance". kill me already
In this world, monsters of many roam the wilderness. A particular pair share both a proximity to a human research base and to each other. To the humans, a fight for dominance. To them... a fight for "dominance". kill me already
Despite relying on a baseless book, opening it led to quite interesting results. Waking up to a busy kitchen, her new (and last) roommate might open a world of idiot magic...! EpicPaperBag's random thoughts outlet.
"Is that a... corpse?!" "Yes I am." A short fantasy adventure story fueled by EpicPaperBag's addiction towards mediocre worldbuilding.