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  • Split Personality
    46.8K 2.2K 90

    Disclaimer: this story was NOT meant to be offensive is any way shape or form, it was made for fun. For his entire life Third has had Split Personality disorder. He has also always had the feeling he is being watched or followed, but there was never anybody there. but just like the mysterious follower there were many...

  • Behind Closed Doors
    6.9K 218 3

    Canada was normally the Happy-Go-Lucky type of country. Always keen on helping others the best he could. But what if like everyone else, he had a breaking point, but was closer to the ledge then he would let people believe. What if behind closed doors, he would always reveal the sides he always wanted to hide ? Wha...

  • 25 Ways Of Dying (CountryHumans RusAme)
    203K 8.3K 30

    America always had to be the centre of attention, be his cocky self, he needed to stand out - Russia was trapped in their science class once a fire broke out, and America, as attention seeking as he is, tries playing hero. Not everything goes to plan. #3 in RusAme 20/10/2019 !!!WARNING!!! THIS BOOK HAS SOME EXTREMELY...

    616K 16.5K 31

    "Have you noticed America has been looking..kinda strange recently?" "I wouldn't worry too much about him"
