gianmarcos heavy flow 😹
Vallyk a 12 year old little girl just moved to New Jersey I'm not really good a description so
Life is hard for young couple because of their siblings but them and their friends make time at night just for themselves But they keep doin what's best L I V E N
When Alejandros sister meets his friends brothers and she has to chose between them and she choose? Read to find out bestie 😍👌
Maiya likes gianmarco her older brothers best friends little brother And her brother isis really overprotective
You moved from California to Florida and met three boys Parker gibb and gianmarco but you fell for one of them
Your best friend and you are really close or you thought you were until you found out the shocking truth
You and gianmarco were dating for 2 years but then you got pregnant and he left because he said he was to young to be a dad