Its all about sufi
Quotes of Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi have always been my inspiration. The beauty of his words.. The life changing quotes.. can help us be a better person. so I thought why not share this great set of words by Rumi to my wattpad family. it's strange how easily an app can become your addiction and create a family itself...
Translation of Maulana Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī's Mathnawi by Jawid MOJADDEDI. I take no credit and I have no rights on this. Enjoy and please share these fruits that blossom in our hearts!
"Do not seek any rules or methods of worship. Say whatever your pained heart chooses. " "O soul! When the veil is gone, we are gone. " "I planted roses, but without you, they were thorns. I hatched peacock eggs, and snakes were inside. Played the harp, sour music. I went to Eighth Heaven, It was the lowest hell" "Sur...