Clichés: Know them, Destroy Them
Clichés are fantastic. Clichés are terrible. Clichés are almost impossible to escape. So let's learn what they are, and how to write them better.
Clichés are fantastic. Clichés are terrible. Clichés are almost impossible to escape. So let's learn what they are, and how to write them better.
This is about writing, as I think of it. Subjects covered will range from plot aspects to characterization, writing craft to just surviving as a writer. Mainly, Part 1 is a comprehensive list of things to do in order to create and maintain tension.
As the title states, this is your tutorial, created by me, to writing a story to the very best of your abilities. By carefully reading through the following pages, you can enhance your skills and clear your path to becoming the great author that you wish to be, uncovering your potential each step of the way. For tips...