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    6.1K 210 3

    The head is too wise. The heart is all fire. annabeth chase / oc pjo through hoo pelides © COVER MADE BY PALOMA / @wulfhall

    4.5K 164 2

    I am half dead with it all. nico di angelo / oc battle of the labyrinth - trials of apollo pelides © COVER MADE BY PALOMA / @wulfhall

  • Stardust ━━ Star Wars
    649K 31.6K 72

    Until every last star in the galaxy dies, you have me. PRE EPISODE VII - EPISODE IX POE DAMERON / OC fulcrums | 2017 ©

  • In Bloom ━━ Harry Potter
    67.2K 3.5K 6

    Marguerite Blumenthal is a late bloomer. GOF - DH HARRY POTTER / OC COVER BY BEE 🐝 fulcrums | 2019 ©

  • Ever After ━━ Oliver Wood
    21.2K 1.1K 3

    Princess Josette. May she reign in fucking peace. OLIVER WOOD / OC COVER BY BEE 🐝 fulcrums | 2020 ©

  • Kismet ━━ Star Wars Rebels
    7.6K 229 5

    People linked by destiny will always find each other. KANAN JARRUS / OC / HERA SYNDULLA POST CLONE WARS through REBELS part of THE AGE OF HEROES series fulcrums | ©

  • Illuminae ━━ Star Wars
    6.8K 265 2

    Legacy, oh, you're part of something way bigger. SEQUEL TRILOGY AU POE DAMERON / OC COVER BY BEE 🐝 fulcrums | 2020 ©

  • Punisher ━━ The Clone Wars
    5.4K 142 2

    Only justice will bring peace. AHSOKA TANO / FEM!OC CLONE WARS through REBELS part of THE AGE OF HEROES series fulcrums | 2020 ©

  • Mirrorbright ━━ The Mandalorian
    2.6K 116 1

    Nothing cuts like a mother. DIN DJARIN / OC THE MANDALORIAN part of THE AGE OF HEROES series cover made by BEA 🐝 fulcrums | 2020 ©

  • Frontlines ━━ Star Wars
    2.4K 103 1

    Just one single glimpse of relief. OBI-WAN KENOBI / OC CLONE WARS through EPISODE III part of THE AGE OF HEROES series fulcrums | 2020 ©

  • Wings ━━ Carol Danvers
    3K 131 1

    Take an angel by the wings. PRE CAPTAIN MARVEL - ENDGAME CAROL DANVERS / FEM!OC fulcrums | 2020 ©

  • LILAC / jaime lannister
    18.3K 977 7

    They never should have let her live. jaime lannister / oc post robert's rebellion au stellangios © CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN.

  • SIREN SONG / finnick odair
    2.1K 66 1

    There are no legacies in this life. No monuments, no history. Just the water. It pays us and then it claims us, swallows us whole, as if we'd never been here at all. finnick odair / oc pre thg - mockingjay stellangios © CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN.

    1.6K 41 1

    There's no morning glory, it was war, it wasn't fair. din djarin / oc the mandalorian pelides © COVER MADE BY PALOMA / @wulfhall
