Dangan Ronpa Yandere!Junko x reader
You were always a submissive person and a nobody but you always had cutest reacts~
You were always a submissive person and a nobody but you always had cutest reacts~
Congratulations! You are one of two very lucky students who's just won the chance to attend Hopes Peak Academy, a school for the most talented and prolific young minds the world has to offer! Don't you worry though, even though you have no talent, I'm sure you'll fit in just fine.
You started a normal day and went to school but little did you know that your life was going to change before you even get out of home room This story isn't correct with the games. It has a mix of the first and second game characters.
Enjoy my book for DRV3 and I may include scenarios of kids and marriage, but for now I'll calling it girlfriend for now
For the dudes of Wattpad and the gays who are into DRV3 I present you something this website lacks. Girlfriend scenarios, specifically danganronpaV3 ones. ✨
The class trail is about to end but...... something's not right...... the murder has been pinned on you! Just when you think all hope is lost and despair takes over.... somebody unexpected reveals themself.