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  • Summoning Novinae
    5.8K 282 16

    The Kingdom of Novinae, home to the strange race of Hovinaes - human-sheep hybrids. One night, a storm swept their nation up into another world, a world with magic and conflict. How would the peace-loving Novinaes adapt to such world? Will they be able to thrive and form new allies or simply be forgotten and collapse...

  • Summoning Italy
    73.2K 2.9K 41

    After a mysterious aurora borealis descended upon the Italian Peninsula, Italy and its two micro nation neighbours find themselves in a mysterious and hostile world. Losing their peaceful European neighbours, Italy finds that to the north of the Alps lies the great Parpaldian Empire, feared by many, if not all by thos...

  • Dawn of Mechanization
    32.7K 979 14

    In a far distant realm from a far distant universe, magic has served a the dominant factor of society. Granting power to many and putting them in authority above the lesser ungifted common folk. However following unexplained circumstances, a new nation, hailing from another realm from another universe with no concept...

  • Summoning Poseidon: A New America
    52.5K 1.5K 29

    (Nihonkoku Shoukan belongs to Minorou. This is merely a fanfic written by me) 23 October 2077. After years of war between the USA and China, the old world ended. Bathed in nuclear hellfire, the once mighty United States of America is now nothing but ash. Remnants of the US government(including the last president of th...

  • [Complete] the Mana-Wilds #1: A Cataclysmic Conjunction
    1.5K 60 8

    A fateful failure brings forth Desert Rangers David 'Pathfinder' Pike and Isaiah 'Ice' Welder into the ruined world of Golarion. Can they use their combined skill-set to defend themselves in this vast new world or will Golarion's many horrors devour them first? (A Crossover between Fallout/Wasteland and Pathfinder 2...

    2.6K 121 30

    Taking place before the events of Spy Games. This follows the story of another incident regarding other worlds; The "Skiross Incident." an incident that will send shock waves throughout the entire Kovenant Empire and make them question the very idea of other worlds... As a Gate opened upon the world of Eistvan - 3. Wa...

    Completed   Mature
  • Holden Isekai Intervention (haitus)
    17.8K 485 12

    When a civilization of vast technological superiority is transported to a mystical world of arcane superiority, the tide of fate and history is altered. Trapped in an entirely new world, with dark forces plotting and acting in the shadows, actions must be taken, alliances formed, wars fought, and dominance asserted.

  • The Bloodborne Captain
    11.7K 364 3

    His job is quite simple, he guides and instructs superhuman girls known as Valkyries to combat against the foul beasts known as the Honkai, but no more. For he was once a Captain, and now he's a Hunter who slaughters his preys, slays the nightmares for the sake to protect whatever innocence is left in the desolated to...

  • Contact Alpha, A story of sci fi fantasy
    39.5K 1.2K 20

    The United Star of Gaia, an advanced space faring human civilization comes across a fantasy like planet in their journey to explore the star. This is the first time mankind had ever come across an alien civilization. An observatory orbital station was built to study the primitive civilization without exposing them...

  • GATE: The United Nations of Earth
    88.3K 2.6K 50

    In the year 3001, a strange structure appear in the middle of New Ginza on planet Eden Prime and a mysterious Roman like army emerge from the gate creating death and chaos. The UNE quickly deploy its forces and push them back into the gate. As news of the attack broasdcasted through out UNE territory, the people deman...

  • Clash of Worlds
    90.6K 2.2K 68

    A portal between Earth and a fantasy world is discovered near a small town in Central Italy. How will the two worlds coexist? How will the scientific community react to the existence of magic? How will a world stuck in a middle age/renaissance like era react to democracy and technology? Read to find out...

  • Winter Storm (Esdeath x Male Reader)
    135K 3.9K 26

    In the search for the perfect person, the Ice Queen stumbles upon a man much different in what she desired, and yet that much more interesting for it. What was it in this one's spirit that was so intriguing? Together, they would find that they were not so different . And yet, they're views did not face the same direc...

    Completed   Mature
  • (On hold) A Hunter Must Hunt
    259 2 6

    At a glance, it may seem that only humans live in the capital. But others know better. They see the beasts that some people truly are. Hunter is a retired bounty hunter. When he is returning home from hunting food for dinner that day, he comes home to find his wife and children had been murdered. With all the peopl...

  • From One Hunt, To Another
    34 2 1

    After finally slaying my capturer I find my self hunting beast once more *sigh** ... truly the hunt never ends..... A Questionable man dressed in what appears to be a noble Victorian suit heavily embraided with gold. A red undershirt that matched its skirt like cloth that covered his black boots. witch over lade anot...

  • Descent into Hell (Titanfall 2 x Akame Ga Kill)
    20.6K 356 13

    After an extremely covert operation goes terribly wrong, Elite SRS pilot "Razor" Wilson finds himself on a strange new planet and is quickly thrust, against his will, into the most difficult fight of his life.

  • Mechanical Predator
    21K 197 11

    Titanfall X RWBY. What happens when a Pilot goes to remnant? Find out In Mechanical Predator 4/29/2019 - 5/27/2019 #2 in Titanfall. 7/20/2019 #1 in titanfall

  • RWBY: See You on the Other Side
    38.2K 1.1K 46

    "And I'll fight like hell...! For her...For Athena..." A Pilot and their Titan is supposed to be an unstoppable force. One that, in the face of danger? Excels no matter what. Yet, what happens when this young Pilot must now live on a world without one? Follow the continuation of RWBY: Uphold the Mission in this sequal...

  • The Enclave's Menagerie
    29K 713 12

    Since the early 2240's the Enclave has experienced defeat after defeat, from the Oil rig to Adams AFB. Only time will tell if the Enclave can rise up from the ashes like a phoenix, and prosper or finally die.

  • sci fi ships
    5.5K 222 166

    this book be a book that contains thing i use in rp so like fleets and all that i make to use in a rp this is not a rp book

  • The wondering sisters
    81 3 2

    What if Atlantis was at war with a other long lost civilisation that have just returned from a long sleep

  • Who I've Been Waiting For (Winter Schnee x Male Reader)
    44.8K 855 19

    Winter had always had a busy life. So when she no longer has the responsibilities of being in the Atlesian military or fighting Grimm, she doesn't know what to do with herself. That is... Until she meets a certain someone... Published: April 16th, 2021

  • RWBY Females X Male Reader: Oneshots - Volume 1
    1.4M 12K 200

    Volume 1 of RWBY Females X Male Reader Oneshots CoverArt By: Rooster-Teeth

    Completed   Mature
  • Darling in the Franxx: The Only Titanfall
    52K 600 19

    Pilot Wyatt Mercia and his Titan: GA-1642 are members of the Elite 401st legion. They fought for 4 years together. Then the Battle of Typhoon came about. In combat the pair are assigned to assist Jack and BT in their mission to destroy the Fold Weapon. During the destruction of said weapon, Wyatt and Gage are shot un...

  • Taimanin Bloodborne: Tales of the Huntress
    2.8K 21 12

    Sin Dementia is just a Huntress trying keep the world safe from the supernatural forces that threatened all of humanity. But when she and her Hunter team unwittingly rescued some body suit wearing women after chasing some monster in the city of Japan, all she can do are what Hunters got to do. All The Beast Must Be S...

  • Blood of the Ancients(Overlord x Great One Male Reader)
    54.3K 1.7K 9

    (Cover art by ActuallyAleister. I appreciate you making these, man) Yggdrasil: Year 11 Patch An update long hyped up for the massive player base of Japans largest DMMORPG, planned to add new enemies, two new sectors to the world map, new stats, new races, and most of all: Great Ones. Six massively powerful beings that...

  • GATE: Journey in the New World Vol I
    55.8K 3.4K 60

    Following the demise of a great empire, the New World experienced temporary peace, but the cycle of fear and death continued until fate decided to intervene, and it became the very solution that will forever change the future of this world. This is the story of a group of characters as they embark on a journey through...

  • My Darling... I'm Waiting (Darling in the Franxx x Malereader)
    75.3K 1.7K 30

    Pain... Pain to his eyes as he watched !#%¤!#!"#¤ get dragged away. He wanted to scream, save her from her being tortured from the people, but... it looked like fate had other plans for them. !#%¤!#!"#¤ got knocked out by an syringe and he was next. He closed his eyes as he waited... waited... waited... He opened his...

    Completed   Mature
  • From Oceans To Skies (AI!reader x RWBY)[REWRITE]
    7.7K 18 1

    A young computer must decide how they perceive the world. Will they take safety of all into their own hands, will they prioritize knowledge above all else, or purge all non machines for total domination? Maybe they'll just go for a less extreme route and embrace individuality?
