The changeling adventure
After the spell with Shining Armor and Cadence have blasted the changelings away, Thorax Pharynx and Ocellus must be together and work together no matter what causes.
After the spell with Shining Armor and Cadence have blasted the changelings away, Thorax Pharynx and Ocellus must be together and work together no matter what causes.
Once there was two creatures and they were called red larva and yellow larva they met creatures and they went to a island witch was actually was a volcano. So they lived there for a couple of month then it erupted so they built a boat and and went but then red larva's girlfreind mango flew back with the bird were her...
Callie splits and the other people are being shipwrecked and they are in the island. Will they ever get out of the island?
The five girls are in Japan for a vacation after winning the lottery tickets finding 3 100s and after that they are in the mysterious palace and learning Kung Fu and together they can fight bad guys and save the day. Also this is a project for Callie splits
The banana splits are back to get their revenge on Harley and his friends and family. So with a help from the four vampire kids will work with Harley and his friends and family to stop the banana splits
The banana splits are trying to get some customers to the tour and then they found the three little muppet babies are here for the tour
The banana splits may be small banana babies, but their great adventures are always be great at being super big.