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  • Matches
    8.5K 97 14

    Sophie and her friends decide to pick up their lists after they finish their Elite Levels. But from all the choices, who will Sophie choose?...

  • Starstones
    108 8 4

    Elfora is a normal elf. She goes to Foxfire, makes friends and has a normal life. Or, as normal as can be while humans are threatening war in the Lost Cities. This is my first story on wattpad, so sorry if it's bad.

  • KotLC Truth or Dare
    43.5K 298 13

    This is a Keeper Of The Lost Cities Fan Fiction. This happens after Nightfall because when i am writing this, flashback has not come out yet. Note: This is written in Tam and Biana's POV because it'll be easier to work in Tiana (cause that's my ship. if u don't ship deal with it)