Creepypasta Zodiacs
A lot and I mean a lot of my favourite writers did this so why not try????
Alone in the forest, A runaway from your abusive ex bf, A savior named hoodie takes you to a mansion.... An outgoing guy and a cold hearted killer. 2 guys 1 heart... Who will you choose?.
This book is for people who's zodiac sign is a Sagittarius. Can you relate to any of these? P.S. I don't own any of these
yep title says all Creepypasta Zodiac signs u yeah nothing else i could really add but will take requests either directly or commented so yeah im lonely, so lonely, i got nobody (bare my video games and three friends 😟) to call my own lonely
This probably won't have that many reads but I will make this because I've noticed lately that the fandom is dying. I've been in this fandom since I was in 5th grade now I'm in 8th. It just surprises me that it's dying.