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  • Bot 0.1 | mark lee ✓
    3.4M 668K 27

    ❝don't you dare to block me. Or you'll be the next.❞ was #2 in nct on march 2021 was #2 in stalker on december 2020 was #1 in hendery on november 2020 was #1 in murder on april 2020 was #1 in gore on april 2020 was #1 in mark lee on june 2019 was #1 in thriller on june 2019 was #1 in psycho on june 2019

  • I'm Not A Robot [✔️]
    10.3K 557 17

    robot!jaemin au Jaemin is bionic, part robot. He lives in a society where he stands out as an outsider. He doesn't know the true story behind his existence, and he's determined to find out. He doesn't want to believe that he's not human. He wants to believe he's not a robot, he wants to be human. No one can find out...
