reserve course | komahina
enemies to lovers asf
"You mean the world to me Komaeda! You think we could've just forgotten about you that easily? Why do you think I hang out with you right now? Cause I care! I...I care." After Graduation of Hope's Peak Hajime is the Ultimate Hope, where his surgery went right Komahina Story about Hajime's breakup and Nagito's disappea...
Korektę zawdzięczam tej pani @kakauko666 💜 Jeżeli jesteś wrażliwy na tematy depresji lub Anoreksji czy samookaleczania TO NIE CZYTAJ. Reszty dowiesz się sam. Nie pisze scen erotycznych (lemon/smut) Najlepsze rankingi: 1# OumaSai 1#KokichiOuma 1#ShuichiSaihara 1#danganronpa