Warning ⚠️ CONTAINS SPOILERS. A three shot series of a pivotal moments from Xufeng, Runyu and Jimni's perspective respectively. Likely to be angsty as that it the nature of the show!
Warning ⚠️ CONTAINS SPOILERS. A three shot series of a pivotal moments from Xufeng, Runyu and Jimni's perspective respectively. Likely to be angsty as that it the nature of the show!
XuFeng ❤ JinMi... grape and her phoenix. I'm a sucker for romance. Watched Ashes of Love, read the book, the epilogue, simply cannot get over it... sigh. I wanted more of their lives after they found peace. And so I wrote this one shot... This is my epilogue, set after XuFeng finds JinMi in the forest, where the arro...
Jinmi decides it would be a good idea to test out a new pill. Xufeng abjectly disagrees. Inspired by one of the epilogues of the Ashes of Love novel - a snippet from Xufeng's perspective. The inspiration for their characterisation is based on the TV show as opposed to the novel, however, as I do find the characters i...