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  • La biblioteca dei segreti
    990 34 1

    Di notte la biblioteca di Hogwarts è lontana da occhi indiscreti e potrebbe celare, tra i suoi enormi scaffali, segreti proibiti. Una one shot ambientata prima della guerra magica che ha come protagonisti Severus ed Hermione, la mia coppia preferita. Attenzione sono presenti scese esplicite 🔴

    Completed   Mature
  • Amanti e Regine
    4.2K 334 14

    FRUTTO DELLA MIA FANTASIA Due Regine, una delle televisione e una del cinema, amiche da tempo ormai immemore. Legate profondamente l'una all'altra da un filo rosso e da un sentimento destinato a rimanere nascosto, almeno agli occhi degli altri.

  • And They Were Roommates | Jenna Ortega x Reader
    149K 3.8K 32

    Brooklyn Gomez, 21 and just moved into her new house. Although it's a huge house for just her, so she considers looking for a roommate. Jenna Ortega, 20 and just finished filming Wednesday. From the success of the show, she wants to start being more independent and move out, although she isn't quite ready to buy her...

    Completed   Mature
  • stay (jenna ortega x female reader) AU (editing and revising)
    39.9K 1.1K 30

    "Her fingerprints made up the figure of my soul, imprinted and scarred, so it would be no one else's to ever have." You and Jenna run into each other at a café in Plaka, Athens, Greece. They say the rest is history. You both hide your feelings out of fear and rejection, and due to internal and external forces. Read...

    Completed   Mature
  • The Right Timing - Jenna Ortega X Female reader
    52.7K 1.4K 16

    y/n a junior journalist at Monroe Agencies. crosses paths with rising star Jenna Ortega. is it fate, or will it fade? find out, in The Right Timing. this is a female reader x Jenna Ortega. I wanted to write something that I wish I could read. like many of us, we have recently fallen in love with her. I thought I wou...

    Completed   Mature
  • Crimson Cheeks
    2.3K 114 9

    *this is a Jenna x Gwen story* Cold weather, warm hearts. The perfect circumstances for an unconventional love story to erupt.

  • Tutto ciò che non ho mai avuto
    3.2K 76 6

    Immacolata Tataranni, per tutti Imma e per i più "simpatici" 'Lo sceriffo di Matera', è il sostituto procuratore più temuto di tutta Matera. Ha un carattere forte, intransigente e indomabile accentuato dall'abbigliamento animalier, estroso anche per colore e per gli abbinamenti contestabili. Il suo passo è riconoscibi...

  • Ostaggi || Imma e Calogiuri OS
    665 12 1

    Ognuno tiene in tasca il suo dolore e il suo creatore che non ha pietà. E ognuno sa come sentirsi solo, come fallire senza dignità. Niccolò Agliardi - Ostaggi

  • Processo alle intenzioni | Imma e Calogiuri OS
    521 10 1

    Non è che non lo desideravo, anzi. Io lo desideravo con tutto me stesso.

  • ~Mi sono innamorata di te...~
    3K 59 5

    Imma Tataranni, Sostituto Procuratore della procura di Matera, donna tutto d'un pezzo, sposata e con una figlia, si innamora del Maresciallo Ippazio Calogiuri. Una storia d'amore senza tempo.

  • Vuoti di cuore
    38.5K 1.3K 32

    Questa che sto per raccontarvi è una storia vera: la mia. Ciao, sono Chiara e ho passato gli ultimi tre anni del liceo travolta da un'amore impossibile: quello per la mia insegnante. I suoi atteggiamenti, molte volte ambigui, mi hanno fatto perdere la testa ma a sopportarmi c'era Michela, la mia migliore amica. Ho d...

  • Living a Dream
    77K 4.1K 43

    I'm not good at summaries. But basically this is a reader x Helena Bonham Carter fanfiction. Y/n is just an ordinary 24 year old girl who's dreaming to live in London. She lives farrr away from London. But then she got the opportunity to finally live her dream. She also meets her celebrity crush by accident and then...

    Completed   Mature
  • Good Boy Peter
    225K 6.5K 30

    Peter Parker has stumbled into something he really shouldn't have. It was Ned's fault, well that was wrong it was actually Jameson's fault for only giving him twenty-four hours to get pictures of something front page worthy before he was fired. Then Ned had given him the tip about some raid going down by the docks, an...

    Completed   Mature
  • Changing My Life [Book 1]
    1M 47.9K 35

    ✖Prequel to Living My Life✖ Book 1✖ Tony's life is not perfect. This billionaire playboy likes to drink his life away. Steve's life isn't much better. After being frozen in ice, he wakes up to find everyone he loves dead. What will happen when these two meet? Will they change each other's life?

  • Lost Boy
    614K 26.2K 43

    [#1 in "depression" ~ 07/13/19] Peter Parker is the most ordinary kid in New York city. At least that's what everybody thinks. Instead of playing video games like every other teenage boy, he's created a great spider super suit. With his amazing engineering skills, Peter got his hands on a Stark Industries scholarship...

    Completed   Mature
  • Here Comes Goodbye (A Stony Fanfiction)
    149K 5.6K 14

    Steve hated Tony, at least that's what Steve always thought. He always thought Tony was too pompous, arrogant, self centered, and that he was too much of a playboy. He KNEW he hated Tony, that was until he was left to make a biggest and hardest decision he's ever made.

  • Raising Hybrid Puppies [a Starker coffee shop AU]
    165K 6.2K 32

    When Tony saunters into the coffee shop, he never expected to meet Peter Parker, the incredibly hot barista with a brilliant mind and a passion for engineering only rivaled by Tony's own. Tony always gets what he wants - which is pushing Peter up against the counter and making sure he forgets his own name. But he can'...

    Completed   Mature
  • Don't Leave Me Here - Starker
    137K 3.6K 25

    Tony hasn't seen Peter in a few months after Civil War. Peter wished Tony would've reached out sooner, but one night Peter doesn't know who else to call. And when things take a turn for the worst, what does that mean for Peter? It's up to the pair to get through their struggles together. I don't own these characters...

  • Love in Siberia
    748 35 3

    Questa minilong in tre parti si colloca in un momento molto importante, mentre gli Avengers si stanno organizzando per la battaglia finale contro Thanos. Tuttavia Stark sembra sempre più nervoso nei confronti di Bucky e la cosa mette in crisi gli equilibri del gruppo e soprattutto Tony stesso. Quindi Peter pensa di fa...

  • Just One Game(RDJ Fanfic)
    25.7K 811 30

    Casey Smith is just a small town girl with even bigger dreams. She loves Robert Downey Jr. All her friends think she's overly obsessed and will never meet him. But a day on the gyms basketball court will change everything...

    Completed   Mature
  • Our Little Secret
    52.4K 1.9K 44

    Leah's a wife and a mother, and overall, she's pretty comfortable with her life. It isn't until her family picks up and moves, when she meets her new neighbors, Jennifer being one of them. Leah ends up getting to know her, and eventually falls for her ways. Although, Jennifer has her own husband and family, will that...

    Completed   Mature
  • Drug Lord
    59.3K 1.5K 33

    Jennifer Lopez is out on vacation with her soon to be husband Alex Rodriguez when they are kidnapped by the baddest bitch in the planet, Rihanna. Alex was Rihanna's partner and he fucked her over. It took Rihanna years to find him and now that she has she's coming back for vengeance, but during the process falls for J...

    Completed   Mature