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  • Fallen Angel (Stiles Stilinski//Teen Wolf Fan Fiction)
    52.6K 1.1K 29

    Beacon Hills is home to many a secret. Supernatural secrets about kanimas and wolves and demons. But Kathryn Hamilton has a secret of her own - one she is yet to discover. Although she is one of the most popular people in Beacon Hills, Kathryn hasn't been able to keep herself together for a while. The only people kno...

  • Autumn McCall ▶Liam Dunbar
    236K 5.1K 25

    She has bright blue eyes. Autumn McCall is the bright blue eyed girl. She has suffered a lot due to the loved ones that died saving her and her friends inside the supernatural world. She is completly broken. He has cold blue eyes. Liam Dunbar is the cold blue eyed boy. He is an I.E.D and is amazing at lacrosse but...

  • Isaac's Sister
    102K 2.6K 38

    Alex Lahey is a sophomore at Beacon Hills High School. She's always been the quiet girl with only a few friends. Her brother has always been there protecting her from their father. When Isaac disappears without a trace, Alex goes out to find him. She gets bitten by a werewolf, and Scott and Stiles find her unconscious...

  • Fighter -> S. Stilinski {1}
    96.2K 1.5K 16

    Season 1 Zoey McCall is the twin sister of Scott McCall who has been a werewolf since she was ten and now being sixteen and finding out her brother was bit by a new alpha in town. With her and Derek working together to try and find out who the alpha was that bit Scott and killed Derek's sister. Can Zoey do all of this...
