Pretend Fiance
Summary: Sawamura Daichi, youngest son of the Sawamura's, a very well-known and wealthy family, suddenly found himself in a tight situation. He is obligated to present a bride within one week, by hook or by crook. Who else will he run to? Of course none other than his secretary/best friend Sugawara Koushi. Sugawara K...
Haikyuu!! x Reader
Reader inserts with Haikyuu characters! ⚠ going to make major changes or edits in my book soon ⚠ ❀ Requests: Closed ➷ #830 in FanFiction 02/22/17 ➷ #723 in FanFiction 05/15/17 ➷ #1 in 'yamaguchi' 05/25/18 ➷ #72 in 'haikyuu' 10/05/18 ➷ #7 in Oneshot Collection 05/02/2020 ...
Kuroo x reader lemon
After volleyball practice one day, Kenma has Kuroo over. What will happen when Kenna's sister, (y/n), slips in the shower? Disclaimer: I do not own Haikyuu or it's characters Created: 8/28/19
Mature -
okay this is my first fandom ever so I don't know wether I should do a request, or not. Any way these are all haikyuu ships and fandoms so is you don't know the characters your an UNCULTURED WEEB. Also if I miss spell some words tell me. !!!!!!!WARNING!!!!!!!! !!!!ALL FUCKING SMUT PEOPLES!!!!! You can requ...