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As class starts, I readily pay my attention to the board. The teacher, his name is "Gaku Yashiro." He explains to us that we'll be doing a "get to know your seat partner better" thing for today, since it is the first day. This does shoot a jolt of anxiety up through my body. I'm not ready, not now. Why can't we just t...
The shy girl is here a.k.a YOU!! HI! Welcome to my do I do this?.......Welp you go on a tv show called Total Drama Island. Your mom forced you to because you didn't have many friends in your home town other than your pet and online friends. You don't really expect to make friends on a crappy looking...
You came to Central City to watch the Particle Excelerator turn on. You don't end up getting to see because you suddenly had to leave the city because of a family crisis, but you hear from contacts it goes horribly wrong. People were killed and injured including a guy named Barry Allen, who was struck by lightning. A...