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  • Estranged
    3.1K 818 53

    "this can be a trap Danny" David sighed looking back at his twin. "I know" and yet again, the same words left Danny's lips at his brother's words. "you are playing with fire" Raheel warned him. A small smirk grew on the corner of his lips as he looked out of the fogged window. "I know" he said, while closing his eyes...

  • The Best Of The Worst
    633 154 26

    Flowers bloom before the fruit, happiness is seen before the birth of a child and chaos occurs before the entry of Vanberg! 4 friends encounter mysterious happenings throughout their Sophomore Year in Highschool. They come to know a powerful villian, Huston Vanberg is behind it. A few months into their research, they...

  • Scuffle of Words~
    556 123 21

    "there's life after death flower after rain rainbow after storm" Set of poems that you may like.

  • You Are My Clyde
    194 20 10

    "I didn't do anything; I swear my life!" The man said terrified by looking at his surroundings. "And you never will," just as the woman said that, the sound of a gunshot echoed in the room. "Have a nice trip to Hell!"