Emolar Camide
Josh'ın tek isteği bütün akranlarının doğru yola girmesiydi... -yine PARODİ
Masum Tyler ve Dalton mafyalarının maceraları... -PARODİ
Gerard es un adolescente común y corriente, al cambiarse de colegio conoce muchas personas interesantes pero hay una en especial que llama su atención. ADVERTENCIA: Escenas de abuso, si sos sensible NO LO LEAS. Queda bajo tú responsabilidad.
It's been one long year since everything happened. Frank is in jail for a crime he didn't commit while Gerard walks free. And the worst part? You miss him anyway. You live your normal life in sadness knowing what you're feeling is wrong and that you shouldn't miss him, thinking that you're going to just have to live...
Fakir bir kızın Alper erözerle tanışma hikayesi. Romantiklik içerir! Alpererözer-#7