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  • Suffer Well
    1.2K 82 7

    "When I was little, my father read the stories to me. I think that was what did it." Adam Galloway is a famous detective, known across the land for his charm and wit. He's well aware of the fact that he's only made it this far because he was able to marry rich so you don't need to remind him. Most often he investigate...

  • Bedtime Stories
    348 27 8

    Jim used to tell his daughter bedtime stories. Sometimes his own, and sometimes fairytales.

  • Answer me
    725 68 9

    You've all got your chance to ask me. Now it's my turn.

  • You know what, I'll make a head canon book.
    1.5K 211 36

    I've probably portrayed most of these in my roleplays before. Let's just hope I remember them 😂

  • Jim Moriarty
    22.3K 1.3K 76

    James Moriarty's mind. Deep waters, my dears. [mb/s]

  • The Adventures of James Moriarty
    224 28 4

    Short stories that describe Moriarty's childhood, current life, and career. Different aspects and times of his life are covered. Note: I like to write in third person, and if ever in first person, then in most probably Sebastian Moran's POV, or some of his victims'. These backstories can be implemented in my rolepl...

  • OC BOOK!
    223 20 7

    I'll have fun keeping track of this XD

  • Admin's life part 2
    116 12 4

    Because ya'll haven't heard from me in ages

  • Actor
    6.6K 831 41

    || A C T O R || I T || S T O R Y T E L L E R || C R I M I N A L || G E N I U S || P S Y C H O P A T H || Come and play, darling. "All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players;" ~William Shakespeare. (Roleplay book)