Thenje therese
Ketu do bie disa thenje therese dhe te verteta qe kan te bejn me jeten. por mud edhe te gjeni ndonje thenje te mir per tu kunderpergjigjur. Kujdes mund te gjeni nje fjalor jo te paster.
Ketu do bie disa thenje therese dhe te verteta qe kan te bejn me jeten. por mud edhe te gjeni ndonje thenje te mir per tu kunderpergjigjur. Kujdes mund te gjeni nje fjalor jo te paster.
Shprehje te cilat me vijne neper endrra por skam si ti shpreh... Shpesh i artikuloj pa e pasur mendjen ..
This is not a story. Autocorrect * This is not a normal story. In this strange book written by two anormal girls, you can find some short stories or quotes as we call them . A qoute is - some words that are based on a true story and is written to show us a message about life. Life is a long journey full of adven...
❝For the lost, and for the found.❞ whether you're loved, unloved, or just not sure, there's a quote for you inside.
C O M P L E T E D ' ' 100 short stories. Six words. Enjoy! ' ' • Highest ranking: #624 in Short Story
This book's includes After quotes and quotes I think that are perfect for After. They may come from song lyrics or other books/movie. The After series and Anna Todd are perfection. @imaginator1d