Words and feelings
|| When something (seemingly) little Mao Mao says to Orangusnake makes him snap. He has to learn to swallow his pride, and not his feelings ||
|| When something (seemingly) little Mao Mao says to Orangusnake makes him snap. He has to learn to swallow his pride, and not his feelings ||
This book is on a heavy hiatus. Also I feel like it's fair to continue this book when new Mao Mao episodes air. eEeE cover probably spoils what happens- ANYWAYS, this is the SECOND book of the first one, "You'll be a Hero Too" (I feel like I should've just made one book, but the deed is done)! Keep in mind that these...
It's WAY too late to inform you people, but the art I used for the cover is by twincookies. Adorabat ALWAYS looked up to Mao Mao and Badgerclops ever since she first saw them (especially Mao Mao). She wants to train like them, fight like them, and BE like them. This story will take you through Adorabat's early childho...