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  • Stiles' Pack
    210K 7.6K 34

    A mysterious new person moves into Beacon Hills, but he's not causing much trouble. In fact, he's been, strangely, rather helpful to Stiles ever since he was kicked out of the pack after a night of passion with a certain alpha. Derek and the pack, have been avoiding him like the plague ever since and just when Stiles...

    Completed   Mature
  • Sterek [One Shots] (Boyxboy)
    283K 6.5K 31

    A bunch of one shots for Teen Wolf's ship, Sterek. From kanima disasters to hot steamy sessions! **Will do requests**

  • Pack Mama (Sterek)
    256K 7.7K 17

    Derek's pack starts getting a little too clingy with Stiles. Truth will come out. Stiled gets kidnapped. A/N; hey im terrible with these descrips just read. oh and erica and boyd dont die, ethan and aiden dont die either. fuck canon death!!!!! stiles doesn't get turned. and jackson's not moving!!! The whole gangs here...

    Completed   Mature
  • His Spark [DISCONTINUED]
    144K 3.9K 16

    "Skinny Defenseless Stiels." To be the only human running with a pack of wolves, you have to be the very best. And Stiels is just that. He's clever, charming, and far more intelligent than what others put him out to be. He's special. Much more special than he realizes. When the Hale pack demand an alliance between bo...

  • Sterek One-Shots Book One (BoyxBoy)
    1.8M 46.6K 99

    This is where I will post all of my Sterek one shots. Be a doll and request one. Either comment on this page or message me. When I write it I will message you back, and dedicate it to you!!! I have several ideas for one shots that I will eventually write, but requests will get first priority.Please do not copy my idea...

    Completed   Mature
  • Love triangle |STEREK|STHEO|cz ff
    1.5K 62 4

    Stilesův táta byl přesunut na jiný okrsek,a proto je doma sám a jeho nejlepší kamarád se o něj stará.Jenže stačí jedna návštěva u člena smečky a všechno je jinak. 5.6.2k19- 1. #tw 8.6.2k19-4. #sterek 22.6.2k19-3. #sterek 26.6.2k19-2. #sterek 23.7.2k19-7. #tw 17.8.1k19-4. #tw

  • Inked Stiles.
    93.3K 1.7K 8

    Stiles always has worn long sleeves and never been seen wearing shorts. because he likes to make everyone think he's weak, defenseless and skinny. but under all the baggy clothes he has a 8 pack and tattoos. last time his dad seen him shirtless was when he was 10. but but 3 years ago lydia seen him in a shor...

  • Nenávist? /Derek Hale - CZ/
    3.1K 168 2

    Mladá dívka, sestra Scotta McCalla nemá Dereka Halea v lásce.. Co se stane když jí ale zachrání před znásilněním? č. 174 v kategorii Vlkodlaci

  • Já chci být vlk,Dereku!
    6.9K 384 8

    Mladý Stiles prožívá svůj první crush na mladého vlkodlaka. Ale aby toho nebylo dost připlete se třetí,stejně pohledný muž. Zárověň ho trápí jedna nabídka. Jak a pro koho se Stiles rozhodne ? #48 v teen wolf 15.5.2018

  • Pack Mom
    194K 5.9K 22

    Stiles and Derek have had their good times, and their not so good times. They've been kidnapped, they've been threatened, and they almost murdered eachother three times (that they remember). But the most interesting by far, would have to have been when their pack all got turned into children by a bitchy witch. {title...

  • Things We Never Saw Coming
    232K 11.5K 25

    [FINISHED] There's nothing more fun than making Derek Hale uncomfortable. Just ask Stiles, a bartender at the strip club The Onyx. Though coarse and grim to everyone else, something about Stiles just makes Derek squirm. Meanwhile, a series of murders have occurred throughout Beacon Hills. All the victims are somehow c...

  • The Sterek Story
    603K 13.1K 14

    The story of how Derek Hale and Stiles Stillinski from Teen Wolf became to be soulmates

  • Sterek Oneshots
    13K 281 4

    Just some Sterek one-shots 🥺😘

  • I Still Love You (sterek)
    7.3K 280 14

    So i was reading a sad ass story on archive T.T and i saw this word, eternal. So i thought of this story and some parts are what might happen. Any ways Derek and Stiles fall in love during Stiles junior year. But during stiles senior year Derek broke it off. Depressed, Stiles disappear for four years. no one knows wh...

  • Alfa, beta, omega a Stiles
    12K 902 61

    On je len nepodarený syn svojho otca, ktorý je správcom prírodnej rezervácie, zameranej hlavne na vlkov, ale aj inú divú zver. A on je alfom svorky, ktorého úlohou je zaistiť, aby správca rezervácie nemal nástupcu. Čo sa stane ak sa im cesty skrížia?

  • Story Of A Broken Boy
    1.9K 110 2

    " Když je člověk nešťastný, bolí ho i smích" Stiles Stilinski

  • Say Something (Sterek)
    257K 7.1K 8

    The first time Stiles decided it was probably wise to let sleeping werewolves lie

  • Chůva v akci, aneb když Peter hlídal Stilese
    510 51 2

    Nastal tak krásný den pro Dereka a Stilese... a zřejmě ten nejhorší pro Petera. Derek chystá pro jeho přítele velké překvapení a tak potřebuje, aby vždy pesimistický sarkastický vlkodlak Peter pohlídal jeho Stilese, velmi otravného energického a především velmi netrpělivého kluka. Jak ale Peter takový úkol zvládne? *N...

  • Once Upon a Sterek
    3.8K 143 7

    Just another Sterek fan fiction

  • The sourwolf's mate - sterek one shot.
    16K 359 1

    Just a little Sterek one shot, read to see what it's about.

  • Only human - Sterek
    5.7K 209 3

    "What, Stiles!?" Derek snapped turning to face the boy in tears. "I'm only human." Stiles sniffed. "I know," Derek responded, turning back around. "That's the problem."

  • Heart Trap || STEREK (Teen Wolf CZ ff)
    61.4K 4.1K 46

    Zdárek! Probíhá editace příběhu, přečtu si ho znovu pro sebe a opravím v něm chyby :) teď už jsem přece jen dospělá a moje práce si zaslouží dospělý vzhled Beacon Hills. Poklidné městečko plné nadpřirozena a všech možných dalších šíleností. Vhodné prostředí pro mladíka, jakým je Stiles Stilinski. Outsider, cítící se...

    Completed   Mature
  • Pack Summer! (sterek)
    19.3K 739 7

    a/N this is the sequel to pack mama if you haven't read that please do!!! Its summer!! the pack has decided to spend their last summer before senior year at the Hale lakehouse. But something brews in the pot and Isaac disappears. Will they be able to save themselves from a blood thirsty hunter and find Isaac!?! also S...

  • A Ball Of Reasons (Sterek) ✔
    17.4K 1.2K 14

    To, co se na první pohled zdá, jako naprostá skutečnost, může být doopravdy jen lež. A to, co je naprostá lež, může být jen holou pravdou. Jenže jak rozeznat, co je skutečnost a co jen sprostá lež? Jednoho dne Derek Hale najde u prahu dveří do svého domu ležet poměrně velkou obálku, v níž se nalézá něco tenkého, avša...

  • I'm Stiles (STEREK)
    3.8K 217 6

    Uplynula dlouhá doba a město Beacon Hills není takové jak ho známe. Skoro všichni zemřeli. Poslední členové a přátelé smečky se sjednotili a vybrali jednoho z nich, který musí napravit jejich minulost. A změnit svět k lepšímu. P.S Doporučuji si pustit, alespoň jednu sérii o Teen wolf (Vlčí mládě), aby jste věděli o če...

  • Pack family-Sterek (Pack mom!Stiles)
    250K 6.7K 13

    Fluff, fluff, fluff. Its sterek and maybe a tiny scissac. Just a pack of teenagers acting like family. Boyxboy. Don't like then Don't fucking read

  • My Sourwolf (Sterek fan fic boyxboy)
    131K 4.3K 7

    Stiles gets drunk and Derek has to get him in the night. Sterek love. (Finished)

  • True Mate » Sterek
    317K 9.9K 33

    Stiles makes the first move on his brooding alpha. Their relationship was non existent, and then suddenly there. It causes problems, and on top of that is their battle with other supernatural creatures and hiding the secret from their pack. P.s I have written three descriptions now and they just keep disappearing. I'...

    Completed   Mature
  • Nedělej to.
    1.4K 101 1

    Mladý a nejistý mladík s úmyslem ukončit své trápení prochází lesem, kde se snaží najít útěchu.

  • Don't take it personal
    12.8K 1K 42

    Povídka je pokračováním prvního dílu „Don' get emotionally attached" a dílu druhého „Chance or Fate?" Děj začíná zhruba deset let po konci dílu druhého. Stiles s Derekem si žijí svůj šťastný život se svými dětmi. Ovšem už ne v Beacon Hills, ale v Los Angeles, kam se celá rodina přestěhovala kvůli Stilesově práci. Stil...