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  • Dimension shift. BB
    119 4 4

    Bucky nearly died. He was just about dead, when, with a bright light, he ended up in another dimension. I decided to mix these two series because they were both done by Man of Action. I love the style.

  • Prisoner #1.
    310 12 16

    Prisoner #1 is kept in the most heavily guarded cell in Hydra's main base. They have not seen the light in years. When they suddenly get a new cell mate, things start looking a little more likely in the way of escape. This art is the oldest comic that my older sister and I ever made. If you want to read it, I ca...

  • A Future Boy is the Pasts Problem
    4K 84 19

    The Avengers encounter a new foe that gives them a run for their money. Cap can't help but feel he knows him, but can't place it. When more begin to show up, they begin to suspect that something different is going on. But what?

  • The Future Sucks. Bucky Barnes.
    320 9 11

    Heyo, peeps! This project is currently under some reconstruction, and won't be up for a while. The damage is extensive, and spans throughout the story as a whole. Hope you who were reading before understand. The chapters will be rewritten, and reposted so that you may read them. This whole thing will almost entirely b...

  • The Cat. Bucky Fanfic.
    533 1 1

    Oh. My. Goodness. This fic sucks! I wrote most of it at night, and it has so many random plot holes and errors that i just can't. If someone finds this other than my usual peeps, basically sidekick Bucky Barnes gets cat ears + tail. Boi goes to future w/Captain America and eh stuff ensues. Read at your own risk. Fix...

  • Brothers in Arms
    16.8K 520 39

    Eclipse the Darkling has had a rough life, and it's about to get harder--due to his own choice. When constantly running from G.U.N. becomes too much for the young alien, he contacts Commander Abraham Tower with a proposition that could very well lead to the salvation of his race. Eclipse is prepared to deal with human...