The Ethan poofarts story
A drama book you will see
berry lovs for peope at onc how wiwl he surviv wen wiwl he lern dat da on hoo lovs hin iz gene da emog mi bruthr maed da covorr
Obama arrives at Bikini Bottom eager to taste those delicious Krabby Patties. Love sparks when he lays eyes on the delicious, spongy chef.
I walk down the street, sad. All my tools just died. Then I see him. The most beautiful man ever. Bob The Builder.
The classic 2007 Pixar film is everyone's favorite animated movie, so how could just one movie sate our desires? Here we have a Pixar-Dreamworks crossover, including top-level memes and Shitposts galore, and the name "Barry" spelled correctly exactly once.
Don't take this seriously, is just something that came from the deepest and stupidest part of my brain