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    55.2K 5.7K 57

    Si può perdonare un tradimento? Si può ricostruire un cuore rotto? Eric e Melody, ci sarà un altra occasione per loro? O è tutto solo un ricordo e resteranno solo due ex. Tra dolore, vendetta, odio, amore, passione e lacrime, l'amore trionferà? Scopritelo in Torna Da Me

    Completed   Mature
  • Ardente Amor [DEGUSTAÇÃO]
    10.3K 488 12

    Há 28 anos as famílias Demir e Bellini fizeram um acordo - unir seus filhos em matrimônio - ao passar dos anos a Masterchef Eleonor Bellini se tornou uma bela mulher, vindo de uma família tradicional italiana o sonho de construir uma família só crescia cada dia mais, o seu casamento com o herdeiro mais velho dos Demi...

  • Quando o amor é mais forte...
    154K 9.1K 107

    Essa é uma fanfic ou fan fiction, baseada na série turca ERKENCI KUS (Pássaro Madrugador). Na série o casal principal permanece um ano afastado, por permitir, que influências externas, minassem sua relação. Nossa história narrará esse período de afastamento, que foi ocultado na série e o reencontro dos dois. Como fo...

    Completed   Mature
  • Erkencikus - Albatros&Fenice ❤
    1.2K 73 1

    Sono trascorsi altri cinque anni da quando gli abbiamo lasciati che giocavano in giardino insieme hai loro tre gemellini che oggi hanno 10anni ecco che ritroviamo una Sanem che sta scrivendo il suo terzo libro mentre Can mette a dormire i gemelli .. questa è una piccola storia ma di spero grandi emozioni ❤

    88.1K 3.9K 16

    I invite You to the world of Can Divit and his beloved Sanem Aydin. This tale is inspired by their everlasting and transcending love. A journey along time with two souls in love with each other beyond words... I would like to express my deepest and heartfelt gratitude to Mary Bloyd, the Resident Editor for Can Yaman I...

    233K 14.6K 84

    Will all the disruption and despair ever come to an end? Despite the aches of their journey. It will lead them to a place that will only find courage, beauty, and becoming what it means to survive. Although, the storms brought destruction, it also bought strength. The darkness will not stop them from finding the light...

    Completed   Mature
    197K 13.1K 83

    It's been three month since Sanem relocated to an Island in the Mediterranean and fine's that it is the best decision she made and heals within. Oh, the special people she meets, but will it make her want to stay permanently? Can and JJ search many Islands to look for her. If they find her, can these two men in her li...

    Completed   Mature
  • Flying....On the Wings of My Albatross
    72.2K 5.1K 24

    She had returned to him, back to his small cottage on the sea. She finally gave in to her heart and listened. She loved him and that was that, so here she was, ready to accept it all. Would she give up her book and stay here, just them loving each other. Or would circumstances of life make them return to Istanbul and...

  • On His Journey To Forget
    38K 3K 19

    Can's heart is broken, Sanem didn't believe him or trust him. He felt his life was over, the only thing left to do is leave. That had always been his way to handle his disappointment in life. He would run away and try to forget the woman that he loved more than anything in this world.....

  • Until I See You Again ... (A CanEm Story)
    58.5K 3.1K 10

    Can has left for London. What would happen if they met at the airport the day Sanem leaves Istanbul and he comes back?

  • It's all because of you
    233K 10.8K 39

    "But I would rather feel the sting Than never to have felt a thing I'll always know you were the one To rip me from the ground"

  • Il ritorno
    187K 10K 68

    E se Can non aspettasse un anno intero per tornare? Se tornasse prima, cosa troverebbe ad aspettarlo ad Instanbul dopo solo tre mesi di assenza?

  • Rising From The Ashes
    52.9K 3.2K 14

    Part 2 of " I'm Stronger Than Ever...The Phoenix. Her life alone and on her own. Was that how she wanted it. Maybe not, but her heart refused to move on. She lived the past as if it was the present, still devoted to her Albatross, still searching for that reason her life had turned out the way it did. And still hopin...

  • Tightrope
    156K 9.9K 31

    Sometimes you have to believe that even if you fall, someone will be there to catch you.

    Completed   Mature
  • Un Milione Di Anni Con Te (completo)
    96.4K 3.8K 27

    Cosa succede dopo le nozze, la prima notte insieme, il loro viaggio..

  • Per sempre...
    76.9K 3.5K 35

    E se solo Sanem avesse fatto l'incidente prima di partire in viaggio con il suo amato albatros e di conseguenza Can non avrebbe perso la memoria come sarebbero andate le cose???? VOLEVO DIRVI CHE IO NON SONO UNA SCRITTRICE LO FACCIO PREVALENTEMENTE PER DIVERTIMENTO, QUINDI PER FAVORE SE LA STORIA NON PIACE O RISULTA N...

  • Zümrüdüanka ve albatros
    3.3K 177 15

    Sanem ve can 1 sene sonra ilk defa birbirlerini görürler.

  • Find me
    351K 19.5K 48

    A bit of a different story as I currently have lost my mojo for the serie EK. I am super upset about the cheap soap opera plot of Can losing his memory; well Sanem only which is even more ridiculous. I just cannot believe the writers come up with such dumb plot and waste opportunities for good ones by making Yigit go...

    Completed   Mature
  • Siempre y para siempre
    339K 9.7K 84

    Se han vuelto a encontrar a pesar de un año de separación, ¿es posible que ahora Can no encuentre a Sanem en su corazón? ¿Cómo puede aceptar Sanem que el amor de su vida, que le pidió justo antes de convertirse en su esposa, la mire como si fuera una extraña?

  • Can Yaman International Presents: Leaving Him
    9.1K 725 14

    This is a story inspired by Can Yaman's 2018-2019 series of Erkenci Kus. Wattpad writer @mariesophieallen begins this story after Episode 26 of Erkenci Kus. Can and Sanem have broken up again because Can has discovered the truth about Sanem's giving her fragrance to Fabri.

  • Author's notes
    6.9K 689 29

    I will write in here all notes and message about my story.

  • 6 años después...
    273K 6.6K 32

    Continuación de la serie desde la última escena. No es una continuación de la historia "Capítulo 51 (perspectiva de Can)" aunque si tiene cierta similitud en los detalles. Aquí ya veremos la vida en matrimonio de Can y Sanem junto a sus tres niños pero también cerrando un hilo que se quedó abierto y llegara a desequil...

    Completed   Mature
  • Aprendiendo Amar
    34.2K 777 8

    Can Divit y Sanem Aydin se conocen desde niños ya que sus padres son socios ,además la hermana de Can ,Leila esta casada con el hermano de Sanem Emre ,Sanem siempre soñó que cuando creciera Can se enamoraría de ella ,pero parece que su sueño no vaya cumplirse nunca ya que Can es un mujeriego,lo que Sanem ni tan siqui...

    5.2K 259 1

    A re write of what we all wanted to happen when Sanem asked Can to zip her up into the black sparkly dress.

  • Lasting Memories.....The Ones That Fill Our Hearts
    50K 4.3K 28

    Their lives are full, their hearts have been blessed with another child. This part 4 of the Memories series will take us through the life of our couple and the love they have for their children. What will they all grow up to be, how will their lives compare to the lives of Can and Sanem.

  • And if I only could, make a deal with God, and get him to swap our places
    65.2K 3.2K 10

    I was inspired to write this after seeing several comments on Twitter. I had a similar idea months ago that involved Fabri, and since he's no longer on the show I adapted it for current events. Inspo Playlist: My Own - Whitaker Lovely (with Khalid) - Billie Eilish Where's My Love (Alternate Version) - SYML Running up...

  • Una oportunidad para volver a amar
    250K 7.1K 57

    Can está realmente delicado y arraigado al ver que Sanem ha vendido su perfume a Fabbri, está convencido de que su relación sigue siendo definitiva. Polen busca de todas las maneras posibles adaptarse a la situación para fraguar entre los dos y recuperar a su ex prometido. Sanem se encuentra en apuros y tiene que to...

  • We Found the Real Thing....Our LovePart 2 of " Is This the Real Thing"
    129K 8.1K 38

    This is part 2 of " Is This the Real Thing." Can and Sanem had found each other, and a love that was bound to be. They would make their life become as one, whether their families liked it or not. This could prove to be a test of their desire to love and live together, or except what traditions and society would have...

  • In the House That Love Built
    101K 7.2K 41

    After their wedding, the couple travel to Peru. Can has taken a photo shoot assignment for a magazine, and has taken Sanem with him for the honeymoon of a lifetime. They begin their lives together exploring and working in this beautiful country. Then return home to live in the house that had brought Sanem so much cont...

    75.6K 3K 17

    Can Divit, pur rischiando la vita, torna a Istanbul dopo due anni di lontananza quando scopre che Sanem si è sposata con un altro: Kemal Erkan. Chi è quest'uomo? Come si sono conosciuti? Che ruolo ha avuto Polen? E Huma è veramente sua madre? Potrà perdonare Emre? Fra amore e perdono, rimpianti e speranze, nuovi in...

    Completed   Mature