My Girl (Draco Malfoy)
uh... $mVt
You attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, You're a Slytherin, and a Pure-blood. Your Family is a Dynasty. Much like the Malfoys. You have never met the Malfoys but you know of their son after all you have gone to school with him for 3 years but you don't really talk. Your Parents decide that they are goi...
da legendari and sexi bobby diagn0ses himslef wit butt disordar usin webmd and it makes his butt itsh a lawt frum overeatin doenuts. hee gets drunck b4 goin 2 a docta and wen hes drivin he assidentally went da rong wai n is now @ da tipton hotal. he has 2 stay dere tho bc a big storm cums alwong n lockz him insyd 4 sa...
Bob Duncan and Bertram Winkle are very in love. Read this story to find out what happens to their family.
What is more deadly A gun or a thought? A gun gives you the opportunity But a thought pulls the trigger