The DigiSword
Tai and Kari move and head into a new Highschool with drama, friendships, and relationships. Tai/Sora/Matt - seniors Izzy/Mimi - juniors Yolie - sophomore Kari/Tk/Davis - freshman
Revenge is what the demon is after and now it is his chance. TK and Kari find their hidden emotions surface as they live their greatest dreams and worst nightmares at the same time.
TK and Kari have always been close, but after the dark Ocean they become closer, what Prophcey is being fulfilled?
After a battle that nearly killed Tk, Kari leaves town and cuts off contact with her friends. 4 years later the world is in a danger once again and Kari must find a way to help her friends, and deal with why she really left 4 years ago.