Fnaf Memes
I got bored so here, have some fnaf memes
Everyone has heard of fgod error, resulting in Ink as the bad guy. How about handing the mike back to Ink and let him explain his backstory?
Ink and Error have arrived at their new home. There will be so much to see and so much to hear! But are they actually safe? Will they be safe? VW5mb3J0dW5hdGVseSwgTm8uDQpIb3dldmVyLCB0aGF0IGNhbiBjaGFuZ2Uu Lets just read. Forget I said anything.
This is an Errorink fan fiction that ends on a cliff hanger because I couldn't finish it and accidentally deleted the rp it was based off of. You can still read it I included a summary and the ending if you want to find out!! Sorry for the cliff hanger. LOVE Y'ALL