worth of waiting
After Rose escapes prison, Luisa is going to meet her in Rogelio's premiere party and finally fulfill their plan to run away together to rose's island.
After Rose escapes prison, Luisa is going to meet her in Rogelio's premiere party and finally fulfill their plan to run away together to rose's island.
Rose is married to Emilio but has an affair with Luisa and she knows it has to end, it's just not the same. Her relationship with Luisa is way more than with Emilio and she knows it can never be too serious.
Luisa Alver began her birthday the way any sensible adult would: In tears.
Rose and Luisa telling about their Christmas and how they celebrated. Watch them trying to make it perfect and trying to handle their problems. How does Luisa's pregnancy affect the Christmas season and how does it change over the years?
Art credits- Julia~Art on Pinterest "Rose-" Luisa gasped pulling away from the kiss. She eyed the packet of donuts in Rose's hand. Rose, catching Luisa's eye as she usually did, smirked. Whispering in that taunting voice of hers, the redhead explained, "Here's the deal with these,"
what if rose wasn't into crime and being a drug lord and the only thing standing between Luisa and rose was Emilio?? (Sorry for how cringe this is)
Ich habe das Ende für Roisa ein bisschen umgeschrieben, da mir das von der Serie nicht so gefallen hat.Ich hoffe euch gefällt es genauso gut wie mir:) Könnt gerne Feedback und Verbesserungsvorschläge dalassen:) Roisa owns my heart so I wrote an alternative ending for them:) Hope you love it the way I do! Comments are...
Rose and Luisa AU one shot. For story purposes, Emilio never died and Rose had never married him. Rose never kidnapped Mateo and was close with the Villanueva's. Also Petra and Rafael are married and Anezka is alive.